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1. YNWA,

This forum has become rather messy and needs to be cleared up as I am sure there are a number of posts that are either repetitive, out dated or Irrelevant. There should be a section added such as Tournaments. It is Crazy when I create a post called The Spades tournament and have to create different posts for the introduction, draw results etc. I suggest that you should be able to create a subsection for your subject as it would be much easier for people to follow. If we take the uno tournament at present you should be able to find theUno league and when you enter on that topic find different subject headings such as fixtures results etc. I think if possible under the Tournaments section the post creator should be able to reply more than once before someone else posts. I fully understand the case for other sections not having this option available to them.

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Last edited by YNWA, Dec 14 2015 18:56:09

2. LaraStardust,

quite agree with ynwa.
I do love tornies, but the uno one is spamming the hell out of me at the moment

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3. Raki,

It's necessary though. The organisers have no other way.

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4. Cristina ,

it's necessary when it is about uno league. Because the players must be informed in every week about their matches what they have to play. And cause of this can not be there just one post.
But ok, basket could close each that post which is not important, I am talking just about those postings which are about uno league. He could close them after when those matches were played and so, it can be stoped the spaming.
And to be honest, the forum is not "messy" as ynwa has said, just cause of those postings about uno league.
There are many needless topics posted by the people who, maybe have plenty of free time and use it in this way instead of playing and making new friends, who could help them to figure out what they don't know yet about the games.

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5. YNWA,

My previous post has already covered those points. It is messy as I said for the reasons I stated and does nead clearing up and the helpers have the ability to do that. It is understandable that the forum hasn't been the highest priority on their list with everything that has gone on over the last few months. You said Cristina that the forum is not messy but you speak about the needless messages so you can't have both. We know the Uno League does require the number of posts it does and that is why I proposed to have subsections within that topic. Under my system I suggested you would have one topic The Uno League and under the Uno League would come Tournament info, fixtures results and anything else to do with that topic. If you had this system there would not be the need to be further topics. The Uno League is far bigger than other tournaments that has been hosted in the PR terms of games played and tournament duration amongst other things so you would expect more posts than any other tournament that has been in done so far. The advantage too if you have less topics it makes it easier to navigate to other topics that until now would have been unseen by many as they don't have the time to go through so many topics.

just a little example for you:

You would enter on tournaments.

then See

UNO LEAGUE 2015/16


etc. You would enter on say the Spades team tournament 2015 and get:






I think this way is much better and more user friendly! This would not be done over night as it requires more work for Aminiel but I hope it can be done as it makes things much easier for everybody.

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6. Aminiel,

Hello all,

If you intent to continue uno tournaments in the future, we could create a specific uno tournaments forum. Then the helpers can move the relevant topics into it. Would it be useful ?

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7. Raki,

Not sure about the future, but there's a uno league with matches going on every week now.
It's up to the organisers what they want though.

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8. sound2,

Hi, I do agree the forums are rather messy. I did think the tea room was only for general chat, and not game leagues, or matches. It would take some time and work to clean up the forums. Although a new section could work. Just my thoughts.

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9. YNWA,

Yes it would be useful to have a tournaments forum but not just Uno but all tournaments. If you can create your own topic if you like within that forum topic then that would be perfect as the example I gave set out.

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10. Artemis13 ,

Yeah, i agree. When i come to see what is new, i only hear the uno league. Okay, it's really good, how we have an uno league, but there are a lot of topic what's are about this league and it becomes annoying to see 5-6 topics about only this.

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11. YNWA,

If you created a Tournaments section of the forum phelpers would not have to move the topics as you would get them all in one place. However. you will still get 5 or even 10 topics relating to the one tournament when you read the recent Topics. What you need is to be able to creat topics inside your topics if that is easier for you to understand. So if we take the Uno tournament you have 3 topics created for the 3 daily schedules every week. What I am suggesting is that the Uno tournament organisers can have a topic of say Uno tournament 2015-16 with the headings Pool A, Pool B and Pool C. Then under those sections would be Weekly Matches, results etc. So when they go to latest they will just see the UNo tournament on top. When they press enter they will get a menu of headings and when they press enter on the heading they want they will see any new messages posted. I think the creator of the topic will have to create the new headings themselves. If not you could create a lot of extra work for the helpers.

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Last edited by YNWA, Dec 15 2015 22:44:19

12. Aminiel,

This isn't possible. Post more than once in the same topic if you want to have grouped messages.

As a reminder, you can subscribe to topics to get a mail each time there is a new post.

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13. YNWA,

exactly but that is what tournament hosts require. If not they have to create topic headings within the topic. If it is impossible for you to program it that way then not to worry.

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14. sound2,

Don't think a person could creat headings. Unless you made one topic called uno, and everything about it went into that one post, instead of creating a number of topics which creats a number of posts. If this makes any sense, this could work for any game league.

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15. YNWA,

You can do that at the moment but you can't post twice so you can't have everything go under the one topic. The playroom is a series of menus where you press enter and go on to another menu. So at present you create a topic and in that topic you create your message. What you need to be able to do is create a topic and within that topic creat more topics that you can post too. Soe you either let anybody create topics within the topic or everybody. It is unlikely that everybody would create different topics that are unrelated to the uno tournament in the uno tournament topic.

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16. sound2,

Sounds confusing.

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17. YNWA,

Not really, The Pr is run on a series of menus. You select an option by pressing enter and find another menu and then select the option you require. All I am suggesting is that the person who creates a new topic on the forum can create a list of topics in their original forum topic. It would mean that there would only need to be one Uno tournament topic but many threads within that topic such as fixtures.

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18. Lemonade,

But I think in this case the menus are based off of the forums, not the other way around... If that makes any sense. So you can only put in the menu what capabilities you have on the web forum. So if you can't change the web forum then that is the problem, not the menus.

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19. YNWA,

Of course if it is not possible then fair enough as I said before but I was trying to get you to understand what I was talking about and gave the platform as an example that you already know.

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20. fire-starter,

i think its the best way to creat a sub forum with the tourneys and stuf in it.
but thats my opinion.
kind regards

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21. YNWA,


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22. LaraStardust,

what YNWA is trying to say is you have the folliwng:
categories: tea room, suggestions and bugs, recent topics, etc
topics: uno, spades, other topics,
sub topics: uno 2015 table 1, table 2, table 3

this way, you might go:
recent topics, uno, table 3,

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23. fire-starter,


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24. Lemonade,

That's clicking way too many links so would defeat the purpose of your suggestion. I think making a tournaments forum is just fine. Either way I always click the recent topics link, that's the best of both worlds!

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25. gaurasuryavanshi,

well I don't see any problem as well. I don't think the forum is messy

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26. sound2,

I don't click or enter on any links, just use the programme it's easier.

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27. Exink,

In the past, I've suggested to do something like that; I mean to make a category system for games' turnaments like it is now in the french forum. If you look their forum, there are some extra categories besides the recent topics, the tea room etc. They have a uno tournaments forum, the same thing aplies for scopa, ninety nine, poker, etc. I don't know why don't have something similar in our forum if we are more people.

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Last edited by Exink, Dec 21 2015 20:22:17

28. Aminiel,

OK, so what's next ? Should I create a forum "Uno tournaments", yes or no ?

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29. YNWA,

to create a new topic called forum is good. We can then create our own topics called uno League or spades tournament. or something like that. What we then need is the ability to create multiple topics within that topic such as invitation, rules, fixtures and results. If not perhaps they could be automatically generated when you create your topic in the tournament forum.

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30. wolfi,

so basicly create a form and call it tournaments

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