Keystroke Help

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1. JLove,

Ok, if there are going to be no explanations of rules for reversi or chess, please at least add the keystroke help. How am I supposed to know which keys do what? I do know that reversi is equivalent to what in America we call Othello. I also love to play chess, so it would be immensely helpful if someone could provide keystrokes for these please.

Score: +0

2. Aminiel,

The quick keystroke help is always present. Press F1 to have it.

Score: +0

3. JLove,

Aminiel, the quick keystroke help does not list keystrokes specific to chess. However, I have since figured it out. Use enter to selct a piece. Move to the desired square, then press enter again to move there. Alternatively: When on board view, where you hear "E1: White king," press space bar. An edit field will come up. Type algebraic notation, such as: e4, Nf3, Bc4, etc., and press enter. Your piece is automatically moved there. However, this needs to be listed in the quick help section. I have posted a separate topic, wherein I have made an offer to Quentin. I have said that I would be glad to write the English documentation for both chess and reversi for him if need be. I will do this free of charge. I have given my contact info, but I will do it here as well:
Jody McKinniss
Skype: jwmckinniss
Feel free to contact me at any of the above whenever it is convenient.

Score: +0

4. Aminiel,

Some time has actually passed since I last updated chess, and yes, some shortcuts aren't in the list. That's essentially a forgot. Sorry.

I understood by your first post that you had no indication at all.

Score: +0

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