Rules/instructions for Rummy?

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1. staindaddict,


I understand this game just came out, but how are we supposed to know how to play it? There's no instructions, plus there's many variations of this game, so looking up instructions for it online can be very difficult.
It's very difficult to learn how to play any game if there isn't any instructions for it. The more and more games that are added with no instructions, I believe takes away from the playroom. For example, the more and more people that come and look at the playroom, are probably pushed away from it due to the lack of instructions. The main difference and the main factor of compitition between RS Games and The Playroom is that RS Games has instructions for every game they put out. Even if the game is still in Beta, they have an instructions page for it. Very detailed instructions at that, so it makes people want to play their games even more. Not only that, but if they have questions about the game, they can just look at the instructions page, instead of bothering the developers.
I suggest, again, that instructions for all current and future games are added. It'll make things a lot easier, and more and more people will want to play in the playroom.
You've stated before that it's harder to write instructions for a game than it is to program it. I find this very hard to believe, but to each their own. If that's the case, maybe someone can volunteer to help you write them.
Just my two cents worth.

Score: +0

2. Aminiel,

The instructions for Rami/rummy are already available in french. They will come out in english in a few days.

Score: +0

3. staindaddict,

So what's up with the instructions? I thought they were going to be available in a couple of days? That was nearly a week ago. Still waiting on trying this game out, cause I don't know how to play.

Score: +0

4. jage,

Here's the rules from Google Translate. There may be errors.
Game rules
Rummy is a classic card game where the objective is to get rid as soon as possible
by putting its cards on the table combinations. The first one who has no cards in
hand is the winner of the round.
We play with two, three or four sets of 52 cards based on the number of players
(two games to four players or less, three games to five or six players, four games
to 7 or 8 players).
The dealer deals 14 cards each and ask the rest of the pile as a pick, then we play
in turn.
When it's your turn:
Your tour begins by drawing a card from the deck or the discard pile
Then you can ask new combinations on the table, or supplement existing ones (see
Then your turn ends by discarding a card from your hand into the muck.
You do not have to keep a card for the discard pile if you finish the round (playing
all your cards).
When you have three or fewer cards, you must announce it so your opponents beware
(this is automatic at the show)
The main engine of the game is to train and supplement combinations on the table.
THERE are two main types: suites and groups.
Each combination put you points depending on the maps that comprise it. By cons,
once a combination on the table, it is no longer yours and any player with the appropriate
maps can complete it.
Complete a combination of adding one or more cards at the beginning or end of an
existing combination.
It also reports points.
A suite is a combination of at least three consecutive cards of the same color.
For example, 9, 10 and jack of spades. An ace can either follow or precede a king
2. The suites queen, king, ace and ace, 2, 3 are both accepted.
A group is a set of at least three cards of the same color but different. Each
color can be represented only once a group, they are limited to no more than four
cards. For example, 3 of Hearts, 3 of spades and 3 of clubs.
It is sometimes said of a group containing four cards it is closed, that is to say
that it is not possible to complete. ON trips sometimes meets the terms and square
from the poker to denote respectively the groups of 3 or 4 cards.
The Joker is white or a special card that can replace any other card. ON can be
used to form a sequence or group of which you do not have the third card otherwise
needed to ask, but you can not use it to supplement an existing combination.
Once placed on the table is identical to a wild card it replaces.
He who possesses the card equivalent to the wildcard can recovered and put his card
instead. The joker so recovered must always be replayed in the same round to form
a new combination. IT can then replace any other card as before.
If the player who has taken a wildcard did not replayed immediately, then he incurs
a penalty of 200 points.
A joker can be recovered only if there is no ambiguity on the card it replaces.
For example, Alice asks the following queen of spades, king of spades and joker.
If Bob has the ace of spades, he can take the wildcard. If in his hand he had a
7 of hearts and 7 of diamonds, it can then form a new group with these three cards.
If Cedric now has a 7 of Clubs, he can not take the wild card immediately as there
is an ambiguity (the wild card can either replace or 7 of Clubs 7 of Spades).
IT may just put his 7 of clubs to complete the group.
IT was not until the 7 of spades in order to actually take the wildcard.
The discard pile is the pile of cards that the players decide to throw at the end
of turn. When the deck is exhausted, shuffle the discard pile to form a new battery.
In the most common variants of rummy at the beginning of his turn, a player may
decide to take the first card of the discard pile (the one that was most recently
cast) instead of drawing.
IT is normally used in this case the map from the discard pile immediately to supplement
or create a new combination, although this is not a strict requirement.
There are several different game variations with respect to the discard pile:
No discards: there is no discard at all, and players do not even have to throw cards
at the end of turn.
Discard one way: you have to throw a card to the discard pile at the end of turn,
but we do not offer the opportunity to recover what is there. In other words, the
discarded cards to become available only when the deck needs to be remixed.
Discard simple: it is the most common variant, which allows a player to take the
first card of the discard pile if he can play with immediately.
Discard multiple: in this variant, a player may take several cards from the discard
pile if they wish. If it is a particular card, it must also take all the cards that
precede it in the order of arrival.
First pose
The first installation consists of one or more combinations whose value is at least
a number of points, from 30 to 50 depending on the variant.
Until it is not possible to ask for enough combinations in the same turn to get
to that total, it is not possible to intervene effectively in the game by completing
combinations of already existing.
It is also illegal to use in the discard pile instead of drawing.
Thus, early in the game, we can only draw and discard until they could make his
first pose. We often speak of going into the game
when performing this initial fitting, because after that these restrictions are
removed and you can ask and complete as many combinations as you want.
Each card placed in a new combination or as part of a supplement is worth a certain
number of points to its owner. However, once a card is on the table, it does not
belong to anyone.
Points are traditionally counted bottom of the inning, and we use different methods
to find who asked what card.
At the show, everything is automatically recorded in the As (points are earned
immediately after asking).
The cards from 2 to 9 are worth 5 points
On 10 and figurs worth 10 points
The ace is worth 5 points if it precedes a 2 and 15 points if it follows a king.
In a group, an ace is always 15 points.
A joker is not worth any points.
At the end of a round, the winner also gets all the points corresponding to the
cards that his opponents were still in hand. In this case, a joker is worth 20 points
and still have a 15.
100 bonus points are awarded if the winner ends the round when no other player has
asked anything.
If the winner comes in and puts his entire hand at once and all in the same turn,
they say he is rummy and gets a bonus of 200 points.
If he does so using only his own game, that is to say without complete combinations
already laid, then this bonus increases to 300 points.
This bonus is cumulative with the previous one! Therefore if a player rummy while
no one asked, he can earn a bonus of 300 or 400 points.
Summary of keyboard shortcuts
C: see the combinations on the table
N: ask a new combination
Delete: to throw a card
Space: draw a card
S: announce the scores
D: view the contents of the discard pile
Shift + D: digging in the muck
T: tell whose turn it is
A: Remember the rules activated
Shift + C: sort the cards by color
Shift + H: sort the cards by number
Shift + M: disable sorting

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