Add the Arabic language

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1. Mohammedddd,

Hello guys, I ask you to add the Arabic language among the languages ​​in the translation as soon as possible. Arab players are many here, thanks.

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2. Qais,

hello, read this:

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Last edited by Qais, Sep 18 2020 05:58:55

3. tiny,

hi. also turkish people and persian people are even more

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4. StormProductions,


Romanian people are also a lot in here.
We've made a topic about this in both French and English forums, no response.
I sent a ticket about this, still no reponse.
Probably Amineil is no longer interested in adding new languages.

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5. godfather,

Indeed this place is bustling with indians, i did not know so many would join us haha. yet for similar reasons i do not think translation will be possible.

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6. Rory101,

If you want it translated, translate it, and send the translation to aminiel. I think that's how it works.
Here's the thing, we can't just go and translate it without a translator. Otherwise, you would wish you had never come up with the idea in the first place.
ahem google translate ahem.

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7. Naday,

It's not really about translating only game stuff, there is way more than that, I believe. And google won't always do good its job. Plus nothing ensures you that Aminiel will add it.

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8. Nikola,

You can't translate without getting access first, so no, this isn't even an option.
You have to speak French, you have to write good and detailed message on the contact page, then you have to hope that the staff is in the right mood and will continue being so until you start working on a new language.
As Aminiel always says, "I hope that at some point it will be the right time."
Until then, the best thing you can do for people who do not speak English at all, like all the other communities create NVDA and Jaws dictionaries. It's far from ideal, and is the most annoying way of translating a program, but you have no other option.
I was going to help with this and create a base NVDA dictionary translators of other languages can work from, but you quickly lose motivation with the sheer number of screen reader dictionary bugs you have to work around to get this to work, because after all dictionaries are not meant for software translation. In the end I gave up, seeing how you have to make many compromises and things don't sound nearly as good as I would like them to. Not only that, but you have no idea what strings potentially changed in a server reboot and have to keep track of everything yourself. In Serbia, we have a basic dictionary for people which translates the most important game elements. You can probably focus on the interface and games ignoring things which don't seem relevant for playing or which are simple enough to memorize.
It's a shame, many good games started appearing, duck racing, Citadels, both quite hard to play for people who don't speak English and need often to be reminded what a card does. It should be a lot simpler than how it currently is, and if I dislike one area of the Playroom it's the translation management. It is just a lot more complicated than it needs to be.
In any case, good luck and hopefully at one point we get a few new languages to appear.

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9. YNWA,

Do you think if people had sent in questions for Quiz party to the admin we would have had Quiz party quicker? certainly not and that is the same for translation. Those on translation teams have to copy every line of every game into the new translated language, all the rules, and perhaps that bit can be done but not the rest. Even the thank(s) del would have to be translated too and all that. After you have done it all you have to check if it all works and find any errors and inconsistencies because the way one person works can be completely different from another. You can give say cribbage to one person, scopa to another and yahtzee to a third team member and work through the games that way. Until you see your team work you can't be sure how it will work out, don't be surprised if you have to change the team early on because a change in circumstances and other things.

Some mistakes have been made in the past and even the English team is still not complete and that's why Aminiel wants to see a full team first. If you do speak french then talk to the admin on the french side. For those who are looking to create new language teams it is not good when we read I will accept you or yes you can join because it looks like you will accept anybody. You have to bee seen to do things properly and perhaps send me your details of what you can offer to the team would look better.

The other thing is PR3 is on its way, we know the helpers are doing something so perhaps aminiel doesn't want to take on too much too soon. Use the time to make your teams even stronger.

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10. StormProductions,

I think that at least the staff should reply to those type of messages rather than just ignoring them like they haven't been received at all. At least give people who speak French a chance to translate this project if you want it populated and played in other languages...
I'm saying this because my friend, lussy, has posted a topic on both French and English forum. She speaks French so that wouldn't be a problem for her to translate the project. The thing is: Yeah, you guessed right: Staff won't respond nor to the forums, nor to the tickets regarding this subject.

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11. Aminiel,


I'm going to repeat what I have already said several times, but to make it short:

  1. Translation isn't a one shot work. You must constantly keep it up to date.
  2. Adding a new language to the playroom isn't only translation. People will want to have the quiz and the forum, and there also need to be helpers.
  3. I'm not alone in managing the playroom. We need to meet and decide together with all admins.
  4. Getting no answer doesn't mean that we haven't seen your message. Simply, we haven't got time to discuss about it, because of previous point. Remember that the playroom is totally free, that we are doing only volontire work, and we all have quite busy lives.
  5. You must speak at least enough French because
    1. Translation must be made from french and not from english, to avoid the translation of translation / arabic telephone problem
    2. Anneau-de-saturne is the main responsible for translation teams and he doesn't feel comfortable enough to work fully in english

  6. Is it really worth it to add another language ? Think about that it isolates communities rather then mixing them together, and it maybe isn't the best thing to do.

I know that it isn't ideal at all. I know that several communities want to have the playroom in their language.
Sadly, we have become a big machine in 10 years, and translation management is maybe something we could have done better. But it's so.

IN 2011 when I started translation, I didn't want to have everythig mixed up at the same place.
Even the general principle of having complete separate parts for different languages is in question. We can't change it easily due to technical reasons, but maybe it wasn't the best thing to do.

I understand the frustration you can have. I'm extremely sorry about all that, but I have no short term solution. I hope that the situation will evolve positively in the future.

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Last edited by Aminiel, Sep 24 2020 06:34:40

12. Nikola,

thanks for your response. I am however curious about one point. Why are you questioning the decision to separate different languages into different sections? I don't see how else it could work. If people speaking all languages played on a same server, would it not be really hard for administrators? We can already see this on the English side, often conflicts arise due to misunderstandings and not speaking the same language. In addition to that, some games would be completely unplayable by mixing languages, for example Quiz or the little exam. I don't think this was a wrong decision. In fact, I have previously said that if the Playroom was translated to more languages, the English community could get a little smaller, yes, but it would also be a lot more peaceful and easier to manage for helpers in my opinion, while leaving the issues of other languages to other teams.
Sure, this system where all people play together works well on some games, for example Crazy party, but Crazy party has let's say 40 players on average on central server, compared to the Playroom's average of at least 200 just in the English part alone. It works well when a game is relatively simple and you play something already predefined. What happens however if I want to play 1000 miles but don't like the score limit? At that point any chat is impossible because I don't speak the same language as my opponent so effectively can't discuss, and I'm forced to either play something I don't like or leave.
Maybe it's a separation of the community, but in my opinion it's a good trade. Not only do you get a much more peaceful English server, because English is the default for any language currently not available, but you also potentially get many new players who are hesitant to try the software because it is only in English and not in their native language. Just recently on a Serbian mailing list we had a discussion about the Playroom and I was surprised to find out how many people didn't try the program and request at least screen reader dictionaries before doing so. If you are going to play basic games like 1000 miles or Farkle, it doesn't matter much, because you can easily remember a few English words and play, but if you want to move on to something more complex, you are out of luck.
Regarding the rest of your post, I fully understand of course that it is not one time work, that it requires updating, a forum, helpers and managing the Quiz. So if the staff ever feels like trying a translation from English, you can contact me and I'll be glad to help.

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13. Cristina ,

"In fact, I have previously said that if the Playroom was translated to more languages, the English community could get a little smaller, yes, but it would also be a lot more peaceful and easier to manage for helpers in my opinion, while leaving the issues of other languages to other teams."
Nikola, do you really think that the people who create troubles on the english section of the playroom are doing it because of the language barrier?
I rather would say, they do it due to the lack of respect.
Sadly, they would not behave nicer even if they would move to the servers which would be translated in their native language.
If those who suggested that the playroom to be translated in other languages would really care of the blind people who cannot speak english, they could translate the games and give the dictionar to everybody who would want to play.
Even the rules of the games can be translated and given to those who would be interested to join and play on here.
Some romanian players and I did this, we translated the games (even little exam) and their rules in romanian language and gave to those who asked them.
Moreover, I can understand the point of view of the admins.
They cannot speak so many languages then they could not check the forum of the servers translated in those languages which are requested on this topic.
In conclusion, if there would be more servers on the playroom, definitely there would be more troubles.
Everything is so nice on the playroom and I don't think we should want to split it in smaller communities.
It's just my personal opinion and I did not intend to offend anyone.

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14. Nikola,

good suggestion Cristina, I appreciate it, except it is already done, at least in our community. I already explained in my previous post why I don't like working on dictionaries, but for the rules, this is not a problem and is definitely something we actively do already.
Still, it's worth clarifying for others that indeed, something can be done even without directly translating the Playroom itself.
As for troubles, here I must clarify. You have classic spammers who create multiple accounts, avoid bans, languages will indeed change nothing here. I was talking about cases where for example, we have many Turkish tables, statuses in other languages and so on. I must say that helpers in the English part are generally tolerant with this, but they also have a hard job understanding what a status means and if it is potentially offensive, then if it is indeed found to be offensive, it is not always possible to communicate with the person to explain in English, that's what I meant by causing trouble for administration, not the cases where this is intentional and when somebody is just a spammer. Besides, if you speak English and your language appears, nothing prevents you from actively playing on both servers. I know many people who play both in English and French for example.

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15. YNWA,

Even if you translate the PR to Arabic, Turkish, Romanian, Polish, Serbian, Dutch, or whatever language there will still be the same issues just you have pleased a few more groups and maybe expand the PR for more people. There will still be perhaps 100 languages playing in the English section. Danish, Swedish, Urdu, Hindi and more languages will still be around. I don't see an issue with having a section for each language translation, the issue which we debated before was not being able to play a friend on the say Russian server and still play in English while they play in Russian or whatever language. It is always easier to be wiser after the event so I don't blame you for that Aminiel. One of the issues could be the command structure because we have Aminiel/admin then helpers in terms of the day to day running of the PR. If you had many different languages in the PR it will be harder for Aminiel/Admin to get their message across to all the different head helpers.

You get good people and some bad ones, that is life sadly so if they want to play up and cause trouble they will do so having their own language in the PR won't change that.

We don't have Quiz Party in the German, Portuguese or Russian sections so it should not be mandatory if a new language is created but should be an aim. My understanding is Duck Racing is still played in languages that don't have their own Quiz Party and they take the English version or another one. If this is the case then why can't those languages have Quiz Party as well now? We know they couldn't report questions or add their own but would least have something to play. However, if the reason why there is no Quiz party in those languages and only Duck Racing is because the Quiz Questions play only a small part in Duck Racing then fair enough.

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16. Fawaz,

If not deviding the community may be the only option is to have an ability to launch games in different language whichever that is.
for instance Little exam when the player joins the game can bring up a language menu and change it to certain language.
Although I think deviding may be easier for sake of management.
good luck.

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17. Sajad-Aliraqi,

OK so what if someone has a status with swearing or whatnot? It is my damn own status. And no one can see it except my friends, so I don't see why the playroom should limit you to do so. If people don't like it, they will see swearing elsewhere outside the playroom, so really not an excuse.

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18. Fawaz,

I am not sure how that comment is relevent to this topic,
however, all platforms will take action if you posted anything against their policies, even if your account is private, or forget that,
even the gmail which is 1-1 msg, if you sent something suspicious they'll immediately will take action.

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19. Sajad-Aliraqi,

And guess what, they have no right to

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20. Fawaz,

You have agreed to the policies prior to the usage.
you have no right to complain rather,
unless if they acted against their policies which you have agreed upon.

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21. Marina,

As previously mentioned this is not the place for this discussion. However since it was started already, I want to make a point.
Disclaimer: Please do not get offended, this is not my intention at all and all the following points will be made just for the sake of examples. They do not represent my personal point of view in any mean. Nonetheless, they reflect similar things that already did happen in the playroom.

Supposedly I am just a player, and not a helper as well. Let’s say I wrote in my private status message the following:
“f*** all Muslims, they are all terrorists”. I may have had a personal experience or whatnot so I felt like writing so, it’s my status message after all.
Be honest here, wouldn’t that offend you? Won’t you report that to helpers? Or will you say “it’s her private status message”.
An other example, and actually more frequent. Let’s say I had personal problems with Sajad, and I wrote “Sajad is a f*ing b* and x x x” all type of bad curses. Or worst, and believe me, this did happen before, I expose your private information in my status message, like the phone number, address, and even your mother’s phone number, and I am serious the latter once happened.
Would you like to be cursed like that? Or worst, would you like your personal information to be exposed like that? I suppose not.

For whatever reason, no one is entitled to curse, be racist or whatever under no circumstances, even if this is a personal opinion and is done in your private status message.
If all of this did not convince you, then I would repeat, before joining the playroom you agreed on the rules and the policies, if you do not agree with them, then do not use the program. That’s how it works, you can create your own rules in your own website, game, application or whatever, and in this case I doubt that you would be happy if someone said it’s not your right to ban me for this or that, when they’ve already agreed on the rules before joining.

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22. YNWA,

When people accept a friends request usually it is to play more with you or get to know you better. Not to read silly private messages. Do you inform people that you would use bad language or anything else before sending your friends request to people you want to add to your friends list? I guess not. I know some use these messages for bad jokes, to make attacks on people by innuendo and even inform you what is going on in their lovelife as well as the
obvious rude remarks as already stated. As 3 or more people do read these message they could be subject to liable/criminal law if people overstep the mark and that is why Marina7 and others do have to take action if necessary.

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Last edited by YNWA, Sep 30 2020 21:16:03

23. Sajad-Aliraqi,

Great points indeed. @marina7 but is indirect swearing in your status allowed? Or it is under the same rule. It's not like I'm despert to swear, it's nothing that matters to me but I just wonder if it is. Some people in the past were about to put such statuses but they said the helpers wouldn't accept and might see your status.

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24. Marina,

So what's the point? people cannot watch out for their language in public? Or are they desperate to insult someone?
In both cases, that does not give you a good impression. Sadly, everyone tends to easily forget that the internet is not completely separated from the real life, and tends to do things they wouldn’t do in real life.
I can’t imagine someone who brings a microphone or shouts in their work or study place “that person is ****”, whether it's a direct or an indirect insult. It’s very similar you tell me my status is only for my friends, but it is still the same thing, your friends are not like a cercle of 8 9 friends or so. We all tend to socialize and add people we do not know that well.
And finally, all what I have to tell you on that matter, that we’re not robots, if Aminiel wanted to create an automatic banning system for bad language and spam, it can be so easily done. However, we have human interactions and that’s why humans are helping and moderating people, not robots. The rules were created to give you the general impression of what is acceptable and what is not. In fact, it should be actually common sense, hense this important note was added to the rules:

Don't forget that there are also people under 18, please act accordingly and be careful when being with people you don't know. Finally, remember that internet shouldn't be a shield: don't do online what you would not do in real life and don't believe that you are completely anonymous.

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