What about a timer in the Cribbage?

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1. josemarianapoleon ,


A friend and me had an idea for scoring in the Cribbage, and this is:

When it's turn of a player to score its points, he/she have unlimited time for do it, and some players must hurry up, because they want to play a quick game,
or simply because with this option It's possible adding more pressure and adrenaline to player's turn.

I think that It would be like in poker or The little exam, when we can specify an amount of thinking time.

What think about this possibility?

Thank you!

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I suggest that it should be optional. First, because somtimes we could get nervios just because nowing that we have a limitated period of time, we will tem to score incorrectly. You kknow, because of the hurry. Secondly, because not all of them are very good at numbers.

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3. josemarianapoleon ,

Sure! I thought same of you, the possibility of fail when We are scoring points due to the rush.

However, if this option is accepted by Aminiel, I suggest that this would be activated as an extra option, and not always when a game is started, only when the players wish enable it.

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4. Aminiel,

Of course if I do something like that, it would be optional.

How much should be the thinking time ? 10, 20, 30 seconds, more ?

And what should happen if you are caught ? your opponent get all your points, or it's 50-50 ?

Score: +0

5. josemarianapoleon ,

"And what should happen if you are caught ? your opponent get all your points, or it's 50-50 ?"

I've thought and discussed it with some persons and these are our opinions:

*That the other oponent /oponents gets all the points of adversary: This sounds a little rude for many people, but this be should a great option, because some players are chatting or doing other things out of the game, and could be unfair if this player gets points free; of course, if we speak about the next possibility.

. In addition, if we hurry up, we could get some points scoring some combinations and don't lose all points if he/se is really accounting the points.

*Get only 50-50 points: In this second option, it's normal that in hard hands,
some players can't score all the points quickly, specially in hands in there are multiple combinations. So, if the player don't has accomplished all its points, at least, he/she will can get a half of these points.

How much should be the thinking time ? 10, 20, 30 seconds, more ?"

I propose that the thinking time would be chosen by the users, in a range between ten and ninety seconds, more or less.

I think the people can expose its viewpoints here, but if you wish enable one of this options, do as you consider right.

Thank you very much for answering in this topic, Aminiel!

Score: +0

Last edited by josemarianapoleon , Nov 14 2014 19:21:36


Of corse , i particulary don't like the idea of a limitated period of time to score, because of the reasons said in my previous message. But i respect people who 'd like to have it.
As regards how much would the thinking time be, i think it's a decition for the table master, like in the little exam. 0 points for not writing anything because the time is over? I don't know what do you think; but in my opinion it's too cruel.

Score: +0

7. josemarianapoleon ,

Sorry, I don't wanna spam writing the last message twofold.

0 points for not writing anything because the time is over? I don't know what do you think; but in my opinion it's too cruel."

You're right, but I thought that it was a good idea, to make harder the game, for advanced users.

By the by, how can I write quotes, like the admins that they can write our messages? Thanks!

Score: +0

Last edited by josemarianapoleon , Nov 14 2014 19:47:32

8. Raki,

How about, if you exceed the time limit, no one gets any points. So the person that exceeded the time limit obviously won’t get any points, but his opponent also won’t get any points, so it becomes a null hand; 0points for all.
10 seconds might be a little too short, maybe start at 20 and go up.

I personally don’t like this feature, because this game is still new, and a lot of people are still trying to get all the rules and combinations into their heads, and not all people can count at the same speed.
At the same time, I still can see how this feature would put a twist into this game, and make it extra interesting.

Score: +0

9. josemarianapoleon ,

I know it.

In spite of I learned play this game the next day when it's has been released, I know some persons that can't play it very well.

but this option would be optional for the table master. Who wants play with time limit, will play with time limit.

However, I think that's a good idea, cero points for all, but the points of the current hand will lose, and if there are less points, the game will advance slower, and not faster.
Anyway, good idea!

Score: +0

Last edited by josemarianapoleon , Nov 14 2014 19:54:24

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