Just question!

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1. Mimi ,

Soon I understood that our statuses must be in English only, but why? Haven't we got privacy and private space?

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2. afrim,

but you can already write your status message in another language, can't you?

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3. Mimi ,

Just once my friend got a message from the admins, if we don't write our statuses in English we will get punishment and I'm just wondering why!

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4. AlenA26 ,

Yes Meghan is right, we have private life, and if we need to write in our main language, why can't we do that? And a lot of people plays here, from a lot of countries! So why can't we use our language?

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5. dalimidvecimidvenedali,

Hey all... Yup, i agree with Meghan, me and one person got an unlogistic message about statuses, but i solved it fortunately... But people: Is it realy that, what we need? Are the statuses the biggest problem of playroom? I don't see it as problem and i'm sure, you also...

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6. Mimi ,

I don't want to insult anybody but I just want privacy and is it wrong to write in our languages?

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7. princess-mira ,

Hello, I was this one, and yes, the privacy and private space are missing here. we, all have the right to this things: privacy and private things. the admin told me, write statuses in English for your security. Then I sait, I can put whatever i want, can't I? They said, give us translation or you'll get punishment. I told them, that we have the right to want our privacy and our things to be hide. And they don't answer anything, because they were knowing, that I know my rights and I have the right to want those once. One note, I will be tolerant of the people, if they are tolerant with me. So if we are good, everything will be more easy...

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8. dalimidvecimidvenedali,

Totaly agree with you, Shreya...

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9. Mimi ,

Yes, no need to be afraid, we all have right to want our privacy, and I agree with you too!

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10. AlenA26 ,

Totally agree with everybody.

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11. Aminiel,

To be clear once for all: you can speak the language of your choice in private messages, in permanent messages, and in tables as long as they are set private. IN all other cases, where any random person may read you, you must write in English.

Your humor message isn't effectively totally private. Yes, only your friends can see it, but we can't ensure that all your friends speak your language. Additionally, sometimes statuses are used to insult people, even indirectly; so, admins and helpers have to understand them, otherwise it's too easy to avoid being punished because of bad behavior.

Note that topic title of free tables are equally not really private. So they also must be in English.

Let's say you write "X is an idiot" in another language, you can always pretend that you are in fact saying "I love X"; it's impossible to moderate, as nobody is able to contradict you. That's why we require English on all public places.

In the opposite, what you are saying in private remains private; it's your problem if you behave badly with someone else privately; he/she will quickly block you anyway and the story will be quickly terminated.

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Last edited by Aminiel, Feb 19 2015 18:45:48

12. dalimidvecimidvenedali,

At one point of view i understand it, but statuses... It is seen only by friends and am i totaly stupid to insult my friends? :)

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13. Aminiel,

am i totaly stupid to insult my friends? :)

Sadly, it has been already seen. And sometimes it is indirect, i.e. I write "Z is an idiot" with the goal that my friends who are still friends with Z will soon no longer be. It has already been seen, of course in a much more subtle way than that but intentions are more or less the same.

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14. dalimidvecimidvenedali,

So one more question: I suppose, it does cca 1 person of 1000 so why another 999 should punish for that?

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15. Exink,

Slavista has the reason. If we have to somebody in our friends list is for have fun, enjoy and chat with he/she. Also, not all persons can write the status messages in english cause we don't know some words in this languaje, has sometimes it has happened me. Yes, even some persons use it for an excuse for insulting to other people, but I propose a suggestion. If somebody of the friends who speaks that languaje detects a bad word, he should send it via f4 key or they should speak about the situation, because our native languaje or other one isn'ta shield for insulting to the others. That's wrong, sadly.

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Last edited by Exink, Feb 20 2015 02:59:42

16. Mimi ,

In my opinion everybody can be friends with whoever they want, I don't know who wrote such statuses about this person, but I think nobody can say "leave him/her, cause I hate him/her" it's stupid and irrelevant. We alone must choose our friends not the others, actually we are all different and we haven't got right to command the other

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Last edited by Mimi , Feb 20 2015 08:20:31

17. dalimidvecimidvenedali,

Yes, Miguel, it is good idea, i think.

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18. Mimi ,

Yes I agree Slavista and Miguel.

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19. gaurasuryavanshi,

I'm agree with all buut the aminiel is right. yes, we have to have privasy. we must have our space. so everybody are right here. I'm writing only statuses in english just, because I can't write them in bulgarian because, when I write them, ther's something like question mark

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20. princess-mira ,

The statuses must enter in our privacy, it's our right to write whatever we want. One normal person will not insult their friends. Nowhere in the rules there's a sentence for the statuses.

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21. gaurasuryavanshi,

sorry but aminiel is right. I agree.

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22. mayya,


I am really, really, really fed up with this childishness.

I think Aminiel has well summarized the issue, and no need for me to rewrite again here. Besides, I have explained to most of you, individually, the main reasons leading us to ask you for status in Enlish only. No need to mention also that some of yoou use their mothertongues to insult us, the staff ! or even to mobilize others to act against us. Persons who have done that will recogniz themselves, so you really don't need to come here and make of yourselves the heros of independence and freedom of speech, because if you start by respecting others, others will respect you too. I am talking to speciffic persons here, and do not need to mention names.

Once and for all, status messages in foreign languages are forbidden, and it is written in our basic rules which you have accepted when you have downloaded the client.

Soplease, stop complaining, writing in English is certainly not annoying for you, as I can see that you express yourselves pretty well when it comes to the forum.

Notice that disobedience to the rules might lead the person to a ban, and notice also that our ultimate goal is to play here peacefully and not to insult anybody, yet some childish persons do that just to have fun themselves, they do not want to understand that we have lives outside the playroom and that we cannot run after their stupid acts all the time.

So please, respect the rules, an everything will go fine


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23. Exink,

But then, are we allowed to write our status messages in languages that can be translated and monitored by the staff? In other words, if I am in the spanish playroom, Am I allowed to write a status message in english too?

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24. Aminiel,

But then, are we allowed to write our status messages in languages that can be translated and monitored by the staff? In other words, if I am in the spanish
playroom, Am I allowed to write a status message in english too?

In theory, you are required to write in the same language as the one you are playing in. So, if you are in the spanish playroom, you logically write your status message in spanish. WE can of course accept exceptions if you are multilingual and if you play both on english and spanish playroom; but in principle, no, it isn't allowed.

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25. Exink,

In fact, I sometimes play with english people at some uno tables and other games, and even, some friends and me go to the english playroom, but all it's in peace. I have not used an english status message as a shield to insult to the other people. So, thanks for your answer.

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26. dalimidvecimidvenedali,

Yes, it is nice, that you revived this old good topic, but it is discusion, so let me also express my opinion. At first i have question. Is defending of our privacy realy childishness? If yes, wryte reasons... Next question: Are you sure that all people on playroom have english statuses? And then i can't forget. Where directly in rules is it? I searched it threetimes, but... Something went wrong, poor me... Ok, i am ready for discussion now...
But anyway have a nice day...

Slavista, the king of childishness...

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27. NovaLenada ,

hey, a question. yesterday i had a status, in spanish, but I was in english server, that status wasn't anything bad, just was about... one person... and it was'nt bad... it was good... okay i shouldn't say all about that status :D but it is: I am spanish native speaker, but english server is my home now, but sometimes I change the language, so i m afraid about change language, and an admin can see to me there with a status in another language. I m multilingual, :D I speak spanish and a little bit of english, but sometimes I need to write also status in my own language, obviously, without ofences... I have friends whom speak spanish, but also english... and my statuses aren't annoying for anyone in my friend list, so if I speak two languages in server, can I write status in both languages? and another thing, the admins can translate my statuses without problem, if they think those are bad, then do something agains me, but if the status isn't bad, i think I can have it... sorry for this english, it isn't really good, but i hope be understandable

about childisness! i think in playroom are allowed children, that doesn't means I am one of them, but... why agains childisness? :)

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Last edited by NovaLenada , Apr 9 2015 22:36:07

28. dalimidvecimidvenedali,

I must agree with you... I have also czech friends here and they can't speak english... And also i have statuses for them sometimes... But i didn't know, it is like crime, but we are maybe in new era... And i also must agree, you can translate it, people, who are not lazy are translating in my opinion.

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29. The-white-dove,

block quote
In theory, you are required to write in the same language as the one you are playing in. So, if you are in the spanish playroom, you logically write your
status message in spanish.
block quote end
So if I am in the Russian playroom I logically have to be allowed to write my status message in Russian, isn't it? fortunately I can speak English and write my status messages in this language,but I have Russian friends that can't speak English at all,so what about them?

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Last edited by The-white-dove, Apr 10 2015 00:02:23

30. Aminiel,

So if I am in the Russian playroom I logically have to be
allowed to write my status message in Russian, isn't it?

Logically and in theory, yes. Except that there is currently nobody who moderates the russian playroom; in consequence it's impossible to complain about a bad russian guy; and this is fundamentally a problem here.

For those who believe that we can translate your messages, sorry, but no :

  • Do you think we have an unlimited time and/or that we enjoy to copy-paste into Google translate each non-English message we see one after the other ?
  • Google translate is Google translate, it can help in translating but sorry, often it makes quite bad job
  • This isn't a criticism but a fact, most people (of course including me in my mother tongue) are using words that aren't really language but rather familiar language, and Google translate don't recognize them anyway. Even more especially when talking about sex, insults, and the like, exactly what we want to fight against.

so, sorry, triple no.

And please make the difference between the fact that you are or not writing offending messages, and the fact that you may write offending messages. This is prevention.

This has nothing to do against freedom of speech or something; there are rules, period; even freedom of speech has rules in the real world.

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Last edited by Aminiel, Apr 10 2015 06:28:06

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