Add new Language in Menu Languages

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1. albaghdadi ,

Hello my Friends Dears
Please, Add Language Arabic in Menu Languages in Options

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2. swiss-carl,

right to left languages such as arabic, persian, thai etc i think these languages are impossible for admins to translate

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Last edited by swiss-carl, Feb 25 2015 17:54:55

3. trol ,

Hello, they made it for russian, i don't see any problems... unsure

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4. swiss-carl,

* russian is cirilic language

languages wich uses arabic script are different

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Last edited by swiss-carl, Feb 26 2015 20:22:04

5. Riad,

Hi. Why isn't it possible? Arabic is my first language anyway, and I told the admin more than a time that if they need an Arabic translation, I'll be ready, since I'm a translator actually. But it seems that they're not wanting it at the moment. They're admins, their decision is the final one, so if they see that there's no need to introduce a new language at this time, than they're free, we're not forcing them to take what's in our minds. And anyway remember that there are thousands of spoken languages worldwide :D. But anyway, I'm ready whenever the admins want my services, in anything.

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6. MuhammadHajjar,

Adding the Arabic language as one of the client's languages isn't impossible, and there's alot of people ready to offer their services, such as my friend Riad, he's an awesome translator, and he knows 4 different languages, and he told me that he offered his translation services to the admins, and as all of you know, and the statistics show that there is alot of Arabs in the playroom, which makes the possibility of translating it into the Arabic language is easy, about me, I know how to speak English but there are alot of Arab people faced a problems in this side, and adding a new languages will enhance the QuentinC's Gameroom more and more.

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7. albaghdadi ,

Welcome my friends
True, Riad QTranslate From English Language to Arabic Language,

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8. DarkoMilosevic,

Hi there!
Also, I would like a translation for a Formar Yugoslav language, such as Serbian for example.
The most people from the Formar Yugoslav countries uses the Playroom, and does not understand Engish.
How is possible to include Serbian Latin translation.
I have translated the Client from English to Serbian, but I can see the Serbian in the language menu.
Also, I want to translate the GameRoom site, and games to Serbian language.
Who I need to contact to do that?

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9. trol ,

Darko, please see randome messages when you just enter on here.

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10. LaraStardust,

Hello All
While an arabic translation is probably quite possible, I ask you to see the bigger picture here.
Yeah they can get translators, but then what?
Well we need, admins, we need someone who can speek both arabic and french, we need trustworthy people, plus its not just a matter of translating one game, its every game, every message, every single thing.

So, while its possible, its not an easy task. So I ask you guys just to remember that.
The admins are only human, you know

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11. Riad,

Hi. yeah I know that's a hard thing. I know Arabic and French and 2 other languages, and I'm a translator in fact, that's my job, but the admins don't seem to want an Arabic translation at the moment. And considering that French is almost my first language since I'm speaking it from the age of 3 or 4, I can help with the translation task.
Remember: the decision is the admin's, not mine :D.

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12. MuhammadHajjar,

I know Riad, Arabic and French are his first languages, so he has the ability to translate the playroom into Arabic easily and with out any problems, he is a translater, and he knows 4 different languages so why don't ask him his translation helps? he can do it because Arabic and French are his first languages as I said in the begining, which means that he's professional deservedly.

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13. wolfi,

and we're always ready for help

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14. albaghdadi ,

thanks a lot for all. but i was previously no strong in english. and say that. but now i am ready hahaha

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15. Riad,

Guys, stop that, Playroom won't be translated into Arabic forever, and here's a message written by Aminiel on a previous topic:
"Arabic wouldn't be supported anyway. At the moment I can only support languages using ISO-8859-1/Latin-1 character encoding, I should move to UTF-8 first before being able to support japanese, russian, turkish and others. and certainly languages that aren't written from left to right will never be supported at all, I haven't any knowledge on how to handle that particularity." End of quote.

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16. aravis,

well, russian is certainly supported and it has been that since 2012, but then quentin didn't give me anything to translate because the team didn't want me to mess with text files, but when the translation modules were laid out on the website, things got much easier. and for your information, russian is written from left to right. although it seems possible to translate software to arabic, why, skype has this language.

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17. Riad,

well I can volonteer to do it, but don't know why Aminiel can't put it in PR's script.

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18. LaraStardust,

I think, don't quote me on this, but I think its due to the language the playroom is coded in and the original languages it was coded in, as an example while this isnt to do with languages, if you create a calculater, you can use what are called ints, but ints only support hole numbers like 1, 2, and 3. but what happens if you want 2.5434543 well then you need a float.
I think it is the same with the pr in the bases, aminiel has coded it in, a format that only allows for left to right, up to down reading, in a certian format of text.
What you are asking for is a different type.
I think anyway.
Hope I didn't lose anyone with my analergy

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19. SHODAN ,

OK, about it imagine in the future that the playroom is translated into over 100 languages!

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20. Aminiel,

We aren't going to start new translations at the moment because we have more urgent things to finish first, simply.

Concerning arabic specificly, now that everything is in UTF-8, in theory it should be supported. But arabic is kind of special from my point of view since it is written from right to left, and I have never done that kind of thing before. The experience could for sure be interesting, but not now. The head isn't ready.

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21. NovaLenada ,

We aren't going to start new translations at the moment because we have more urgent things to finish first.

Dear Aminiel, I think the translations are really important, because, many people doesn't speak english so they write a status message in other language that isn't on the playroom, and they get a big ban.

As is not allowed to write statuses in other languages, their own languages, then i think they deserve their server language or something...
That's my opinion...

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22. LaraStardust,

you either want new helpers or new languages, diana
I quite agree with aminiel on this point

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23. NovaLenada ,

of course those things could be more important, but the languages are too, or maybe we should be allowed to write our statuses in our own languages and never mind in which server we are.

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24. LaraStardust,


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25. NovaLenada ,

I know, but what's the problem if i wanna write a status in my own language? yeah one thing is to talk in spanish in english server and other is that thing about to put my status... And forget about me, think for all those people who haven't their own language.

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26. Exink,

But arabic is kind of special from my point of view since it is written from right to left, and I have never done that kind of thing before.

Ah, you mean like other languages, such as chinese or japanese?

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Last edited by Exink, Sep 8 2015 16:50:30

27. YNWA,

You can't have the playroom in all languages. It is important that if another language for the pr is created then it should at least be one that will be used by a lot of people. If not then nobody will want to go there if there are say half a dozen playing at peak times. Also that language should work properly for any user wishing to play with their friends in another section of the playroom.

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28. aravis,

arabic will certainly be popular, for there are so many arabic speaking people.

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