Web Client Suggestions

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1. slannon,

I have a few suggestions regarding the web client.
Options should save in your account rather than being browser specific. I changed all my channel settings to have critical speech priority which seems to help NVDA work better. It would be nice if these persisted on my account. Speaking of channels and views, how do you use the views feature anyway? Is there a keyboard command I'm missing to switch between them?
The web client seems to respond differently when going to qcsalon.net vs www.qcsalon.net even though they should technically lead to the same place. Log in information doesn't persist and I've noticed simply typing the addresses into the address bar of a browser without https:// results in the page sometimes loading with plain http. If possible this should be fixed so the web client always uses https by default and you can either go to www.qcsalon.net or qcsalon.net and get a consistent experience.

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2. Nikola,

regarding views and Windows, here, using Chrome, just like on the Windows client, I can use alt plus numbers to switch to a view, and then page up and down to navigate within that view normally.
That being said, alt plus left and right arrows won't work because it is used to go back and forward across pages in all major browsers. At least in Chrome it doesn't work for me, so that's maybe what confused you.

Speaking of web client I hope you can also bring over the functionality from the Windows V3 client to hide certain messages from the history completely. This is particularly useful for global messages to avoid hearing people leaving and joining tables, and it's especially useful on phones.


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3. slannon,

Here are a couple more observations. On Linux, I can't use control page up and down to jump to the top and bottom of the buffer. I have to use page up and down which is extremely slow. I'm using Firefox with Orca 42 on the Ubuntu Mate 22.04 beta, but this has happened before.
When playing Uno with the same configuration, Orca always says page break before and after the name of a card. For example, it says something like "You play a page break blue 5 page break".

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4. Aminiel,


On the web client, Alt+Left/Right can't be used because they are usually reserved to go back and forward. Same for Ctrl+PageUp/Down which allow to switch tabs in some browsers.
As a consequence, Ctrl+PageUp/Down have been replaced by Shift+PageUp/Down, and you can only change views by using Alt+1-9.

Regarding HTTPS, normally we have set up HSTS, so you are supposed to be automatically redirected to HTTPS when trying to go in plain HTTP.

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5. slannon,

Thank you so much, this platform just keeps getting better and better! You may want to change the view keys from alt numbers to shift numbers. Alt numbers opens items on the shelf in Chrome OS and might also be unreliable in other browsers.

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6. Aminiel,


Shift+numbers is already used in some games, yahtzee for example.

In fact, inside a web app, there aren't many key combinations that are guaranteed to be safe everywhere, sadly. I'm trying to do my best to avoid conflicts, but won't be always possible.

What about Ctrl+numbers ? There I suspect that the conflict will come from apple.

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7. slannon,

Control numbers might be safe. It doesn't seem to be mapped to anything on my Mac or Chromebook.

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8. Nikola,

isn't CTRL plus numbers normally used for switching tabs in browsers?
For example if you have 3 tabs open, CTRL 3 would switch to the third tab. At least that is definitely so in Chrome on Windows, I would assume Edge now as well since that is also Chromium and probably shares many shortcuts. Shift isn't a good idea, not only because of games like Yahtzee, but shift and numbers is used for typing special simbols. Shift 2 being @ in English, for example.

Maybe a good suggestion here would be to create separate shortcut mappings for different systems. Of course it's not so great since users would have to adapt to different shortcuts on every system, but I think it is better than completely being blocked from accessing a feature. It would just need to be tested across systems to figure out the best combinations. On the Mac for example, CTRL plus numbers would indeed work great for switching views since command plus numbers is normally used for switching tabs. Also if you do decide to go for this, it would be good to be able to display some kind of menu where you can view a list of shortcuts that has been selected and tested to work best with your system.

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Last edited by Nikola, Apr 14 2022 01:57:48

9. StormProductions,

ctrl numbers switches between tabs on my Brave copy as well.

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10. slannon,

Would control shift numbers work?

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