Help with some JAWS crashers

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1. Exink,


We have participated in a uno tournament and while some of us were playing, sorry the word used but some idiots send us words which made Eloquence to crash. It happened me yesterday and of the others today. In my case, I always save the logs of what's hapening and I could recovery his name of who made my JAWS to crash. For me, he is Dikecobra31. I will add more names as I find them, but please do something about the mentioned user. I sent a message via the f4 key and the administration was gone, , and I could not send you a message yesterday since that was the first time that my eloquence crashed. Sorry if it's late.

Thank you.

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Last edited by Exink, Apr 5 2015 19:02:07

2. Aminiel,

The problem is unfortunately already known, and not new at all.

If you notice some new words that make jaws crash, or people using those words abusively, please signal them to us via F4. WE have always taken this specific problem very seriously.

Note that the problem exists in all languages, not only english; the offending words are of course different in other languages but the fundamental problem is the same.

Please remember the rules: it's forbidden to vunlontarily use bugs to disturb other players, make them crash or attack their computer; as well as it's forbidden to use bugs to draw the server into trouble or make it crash. It's much more dangerous than just cheating.

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3. Exink,

Fortunately there is not nobody who knows the spanish words. I know the sintax about it, but I am not able to create them.

About the user that I meant, I have a correction: its name is "dikenkobra31". I'd like you can do something to avoid he continues crashing Eloquence for other persons. I could report it but that was impossible; he continued to send me private messages and I couldn't recover at all to see his username. I just have the log and the command. When the same happened in the second matches of uno, nobody answered me. But I am not so stupid to use it against the others. However, thanks for taking the freedom of replying.

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Last edited by Exink, Apr 6 2015 07:03:37

4. Raki,


dikenkobra31 was one of the crashers as he said, and the other one was tyrionlannister.

This was all going on during the uno tournament, they would PM a player that is playing to crash there jaws.

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5. mayya,


Yes indeed, we are really working hard to make an end to this, yet unfortunately it is huger that what we and you could imagine.

Actually there might exist solutions yet they would disturb you more than something else. for instance, you might disallow people who do not figure in your friends list to send you private messages. I know, you would say that you disagree with that because you do not wish to completely cut the relation with others, yet it would be good at the time of tournaments, just not to be disturbed.

again, do not hesitate to contact us for any other disturbances of the kind. Here I would like to tell you that the history reports take a while to be treated, because they are so many and because some players send reports just to send reports and most of the time they are empty. Yet please, if via f4 you do not recieve a reply, send me a permanent message, I will read it as soon as I get online.



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6. The-white-dove,

Hello all

here comes another JAWS crasher! His username is: kiristi-yano. He has joined my game today just to send the following code twice which crashed my JAWS and then has left the table. I have separated each letter by space.
p a r v i z h e s w a y

I would like to warn especially the organizers of the Uno tornament which will start on saturday, as he is one of the players that would like to take part. He may spoil the game!

Another thing about that person is that he uses swear words. I have witnessed it once being at a free table.

Thanks for reading and happy gaming!

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Last edited by The-white-dove, Jun 29 2015 11:56:26

7. YNWA,

I agree with Teardrop that taking this guy out of the Uno Tournament will be an excellent example to all and will encourage good behaviour here! Why complaine to admin about people causing crashes when the users don't take no action themselves. It will be double standards if this guy is allowed to play in this tournament since the organisers of the last Uno Tournament complained about people trying to make their Jaws crash.

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8. LaraStardust,

I am in two minds about this personally:
On the one hand, users could in effect use user dictionaries, available in jaws and nvda, to perminantly stop these codes being used, admitedly people come up with new words, but you must simply add them. Or as Mayya suggests, change your privacy settings.
On the other hand, users should not have to take responcibility for this sought of thing.
It takes time
block quote end
And heres us thinking you had a team?
Plus what happened to priorities?

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9. Exink,

Another thing about that person is that he uses swear words. I have witnessed it once being at a free table.

I have heard it from someone else too, but personally he hasn't striked me. However, I think his reputation is not too good now...

The only thing we could be for uno tournaments is to disable the private chat, and after of it has ended, enable it again.

It would be great to have a key that as well as allows us to disable the general content, also can disable just the chat and keep intact to the other messages.

But by now, that's the only solution; and once the crasher starts to bother us, we have to add the word in our personal dictionaries and report him to the english administration that is always with us... Note the sarcasm.

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10. NovaLenada ,

Sarcasm? where? if they're always with us helping when we need more of them,

double sarcasm...

Yeah, you weren't insulted by him because he does just this with women, including me, unfortunatelly. I am sure he will do the same with you, if you say you're a woman. But no... He is also in the tournament, I am afraid about he crashes eloquence or something...

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11. LaraStardust,

yeah... a button called messages off maybe? that just turns chat and pm off

and in lists
it would show as dardar, available, status message. Messages off

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12. The-white-dove,

block quote
The only thing we could be for uno tournaments is to disable the private chat, and after of it has ended, enable it again.
block quote end
Note that he can send that code as a public message and crash the JAWS of the person that will be playing against him. It is risky to let him take part in the tournament,in my opinion, but i hope he will be banned before that.

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Last edited by The-white-dove, Jun 29 2015 22:25:36

13. Exink,

You're right, it's good that you have posted this warning, because if he knows how to make crash the JAWS of everyone (Except me since I am using Eloquence in other language), we are going to have an unpleasant experience. Now it's time to put it to the organicers in consideration.

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14. Riad,

As a uno player, this guy you're talking about is a very strong and trained one, I personnally didn't recieve anything from him, he treated me so far as a friend, but I'm suspecting him right now after the crash words he sent at free tables. Also, another Uno player called Shehr or something like that, has sent the same crash word as Teardrop mentionned, when we were in a uno match. I know I personally won't be affected, since I don't use Eloquence, and if I do, I use an older version that totally vanished from the net, and that isn't affected with any crash word whatever they are. I remember using back in 2002 with jaws 3. I can post it here if you'll go off-topic, :D

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15. Raki,

I’m no judge, he signed up for the tournament, he should play. It’s up to the admen’s to take action.
Personally, I’ve heard of his antics but it has never been directed towards me and I don’t think he’ll do anything during the tournament.
Allot of the players that have signed up have faults but it is not up to me to go and decide their entry based on something they might or might not have done.
I will however, make clear to him that anything like that won’t be accepted and he’ll be kicked at the first sign of anything suspicious.

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16. Exink,

What? And what about if he crashes your eloquence? I mean... It's better to avoid troubles from happening if there's not any real solution for stopping them...

The admins? We are equal or worse than before! Do you remember when that guy named "dikenkobra31" crashed my JAWS? I couldn't report him because my JAWS was unable to move, reason for which I couldn't do anything, but I'm sure that nor Mayya, nor Zorvax were here for stopping him. And the next day, do you remember when the other guy also crashed your JAWS? I sent a message via f4 key (and I don't remember if the others too) but no one didn't answer the message!

I've thought about it and listen us, please don't allow to this person to participate in the tournament. His behavior has been the same months ago, and he as well as the other crashers is still here.

Please man, For the sake of everyone and of the girls specially who have been who have reported his behavior, look up for other replacement.

Thank you.

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Last edited by Exink, Jun 30 2015 01:17:53

17. Raki,

Cool it man.
This decision isn't final.
I'll speak to the other organisers and some other people and see what can be done.
For now, he's in, I've spoke to him and he's promiced that he won't do anything; but remember, it's not final.

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Last edited by Raki, Jun 30 2015 09:13:08

18. Cristina ,

The badness can not be removed with badness! i think that you will encourage him and other jaws crashers if you will eliminate him from the tournament. You simply should talk to him and make sure that he will be kicked if will do it. I have that Kiristiano guy in my friends list and got also weird private messages from him, but I simply did not care and did not read them. Then they did not crash my jaws. The best thing what everyone can do, it is to disable their private messages during playing, then everything will be allright. As it was last time when it happend the same and the competitors solved exactly so that issue. The goodness and ignorance are the wisest way of solving a delicate problem.

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19. LaraStardust,

diplomacy only gets you so far christina.
Sometimes, actions speak louder than words

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20. Raki,

drop it, we're not arguing about this on the forums.

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21. guilevi,

There is a post on Tyler Spivey's blog about most crash words for eloquence and ways to filter them. I don't have a direct link right now, but if you google for eloquence synthesizer crash words you will surely find it. The problem is, there has to be a very complex regular expression doing the matching for the words. At first it just looks like anything such as letter, apostrophe, letter, apostrophe, r, e, will crash it, but not everything does it. .And if you block anything plus apostrophe r e, you will not allow contraction words such as we're, they're, etc. Also there are the words with hes in the middle (I will separate these with dashes) such as web-hes-day, wed-hes-way, etc. The weird thing about these is that there are almost endless combinations you can make if you find the right words, although I can't find a pattern. For example, read-hes-book, good-hes-god, boom-hes-plane crash it, but read-hes-news doesn't. I know the example was weird, but as you can see, there are truly endless combinations. So I really don't know what we can do about this.

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22. Exink,

Yes man, but in this case the key for avoiding that this idiots can't be able to use crashing words is that they can't know how to handle the sintax. Then, we can add the crashing words to our dictionaries and so it's' harder to get new words for them from Internet or somewhere else. If someone is an idiot its not smart enough to think about learning and using the sintax for this purpose, I guess.

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Last edited by Exink, Jul 5 2015 18:43:20

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