Suggestions for chess and backgammon

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1. omeed ,

Hi all. I'm writing here to suggest that the possibility of observing the board be added for those who join the table as spectators. For instance, A and B are playing, and C joins them. But C currently cannot explore the chessboard, making it extremely difficult for her to follow the course of the game.
The second and third suggestios concern the backgammon game. Sometimes in backgammon, when you wish to move one single piece, you need to put it in a middle square before proceeding to the next move of the same piece. Fir instance, I Roll the dice. 3 4. Now, I wish to move from 12 to 19 and there's no opponent piece to be captured between 12 and 19. Here, it would be more efficient if I could just move the piece from 12 to 19 instead of having first to move to 15, and then to 19.
Another suggestion concerns a situation when one of the players accepts defeat in one round, wishing to proceed to the next round. For instance, A and B are playing. A is far ahead of B, and B sees no chance of catching up. Here, there sould be an option for B to accept defeat with one, two or three points for the current round. This way, A and B won't have to play a game the result of which is known in advance.

Score: +0

2. Nikola,

I'll answer just about the first one, you can absolutely see the board as a spectator in Chess, however there is currently a small bug.
When you join as a spectator, you must press either the number 1 to view the board from the white's point of view, or 2 to view it from the black's point of view.
If you do so, it should continue working without issues.

Score: +0

3. Aminiel,


Nikola has already answered for the first point.

For the second point, it isn't very good, as backgammon rules state that you have to split the movement, in order to stay clear to everyone.

For third point, normally it's the purpose of the doubling die.
If it's clear enough that you are going to win, you can use the doubling die. If the other player refuses to take the challenge, or otherwise said accept the defeat, you win immediately.

Score: +0

4. Spongebob,

that's right that you can press 1/2 to take a peek at the chessboard but their's a small bug I've been noticing for awhile.
Sometimes the board don't get updated for the spectator and he or she needs to press 1/2 after every move to update the board.

Score: +0

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