Quiz Party Statistics

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1. Isaac5457,

Hello, what is the score statistic for Quiz party supposed to indicate to a user? To make statistics for Quiz party less confusing to users, the playroom should display the total number of questions answered correctly out of a total number of questions answered for each category, as well as a combined total.
For instance, if a player answers 16 out of 26 questions correctly in the category Traditions and Beliefs throughout the course of their Quiz Party career, that statistic will be logged accordingly. Further, if that player answers a combined total of 203 out of 312 questions correctly, that statistic should be displayed accordingly.

  1. Questions that result from Duck Racing duels shall also be included.
  2. If a player encounters the same question more than once throughout the lifespan of their account, the following behaviors are proposed:
  3. A: No Action: Each encounter shall be treated as a fresh question by the system.
    B: Deductions System: The second encounter will result in a 50% deduction in a question's value, which will be logged as .5 by the system. Any subsequent encounters will result in a 75% deduction, which will be logged as .25 in the user's statistics.
  4. The overall scoring system for Quiz party games should remain unchanged. This suggestion should only be used for the purposes of reporting Quiz party statistics.
  5. Thanks.

Score: +0

2. YNWA,

You will have problems because you play with more than one player leaving a limited amount of questions that have not been asked if the players you play with are regular players. Imagine between 5 or 6 of you are playing and between you all you have been asked 80% of the questions already, with Games and Entertainment that leaves not that much left, even with nearly 850 questions. Also some players who play together regularly would miss out on some questions that their partner has already been asked.

If you can check another players statistics, you will know their strengths and weaknesses, why would you choose a category you know they are good at, you would be more likely to choose a category they are not so strong at particularly if that category is one of your strengths.

Score: +0

Last edited by YNWA, Jul 16 2022 11:23:53

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