Suggestions and comments

1407 topics, 29 pages:  1 27 2829 ← Go back to forum list

Subject Author Nb. answ. Latest message

Notify Playable Cards On Uno [standby]

ultamentkiller 1 Aminiel,

La scopa suggestion signal on the end of round [accepted]

milorad 3 Aminiel,

1000 miles suggestion: viewing cards of other players in a team [refused]

Myszojelen 1 Aminiel,

command for play chess

spanishwoman 5 Athlon,

Bots in chess [beta]

fatih 2 Burak,

La Scopa

Salem 1 Aminiel,

our sounds are kind of subpar

Athlon 0 Athlon,

1407 topics, 29 pages:  1 27 2829 ← Go back to forum list

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