I have little problem

11 messages, 1 pages:  1 ↖ Go back to topic list

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1. Popoluska ,

Sorry I put my message maybe in bad section. I want to ask, how i can contact the person, who wasn't longer here, problem is, that I don't remember the user name of this person, thus what can I do? How I can leave the permanent message or friend request? Thanks for info.

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2. Jeff-Rutkowski,

If you save your game logs to a file, you can browse the log with a text editor such as notepad or wordpad and navigate using the arrow keys to spell out the player's name.

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3. Popoluska ,

No no, you didn't understand, what I want. Simply, how i can get the name of person whom I am searching? Here I think isn't the function like to search for someone right? Thus what can I do?

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4. wolfi,

you go to chatt and you press slash add and then the name of the person. or slash block and the name of the person if you wanna block him.

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5. Riad,

Please, stop, reviving, old, topics.

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6. wolfi,

what? do? you? mean?

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7. Riad,

I mean that this topic is dead from 2 or 3 months, so don't revive it again like you already did for too many others.

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8. wolfi,

well I didn't know how long was it so

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9. Exink,

Please, read the date of the first message; in addition, if you see it under of the recent topics its logical to asume that this is another old topic. Dont think it so?

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10. wolfi,

I didn't read it so. sorry my bad

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11. MuhammadHajjar,

Edit: rofl.

Score: +0

Last edited by MuhammadHajjar, Jul 7 2015 16:29:20

11 messages, 1 pages:  1 ↖ Go back to topic list

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