Bug in chess

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1. mohithbp,

First, I would like to thank you whole hearted for developing this wonderful platform.
The bugs I have identified in Chesss beta are as follows:

  1. Castelling is hnot happening easily that to with black.
  2. N pass is also not happening please make nescessary adjustments about these 2 in your earliest convenience as they might play a critical roll in a game.

I would like to request you to put a graphical sited board so that VI people can mingle with the main streem society and can develop the game very well.
Please consider adding the graphical board to the Chess game.

Hoping a positive response from your side.

Thanking you,
Mohith B. P.

Score: +0

2. Aminiel,

  1. I don't understand. Castling should work now if you haven't moved your king and your rooks.
  2. I don't understand at all what you mean, please explain.
  3. ADding graphics has already been discussed. I would greatly like to add graphical interface to my game, but as I don't see anything, I'm not able to do so alone. I need a developper, even partially sighted, who could help me. IF interested please contact, but developement could anyway not begin before mid-july, because I haven't enough time to dig into that complex topic before.

Score: +0

3. Pantalaimon,

It's not possible to catch a pawn in passant, which is rather importent I think.

  1. a4, a6
  2. a5, b5
  3. axb6 e.p., cxb6

That's in passant.

Do you think it's possible to add a "get the notation"-thing? If you want to send the game to a email list for example?

And my third and last (and very nerdy) question: Do you think it's possible to make a three dimensional board in Playroom? Try to google "millennium 3d chess *", that's a very interesting chess game...

Best regards


Score: +0

4. Soundarya-Pradhan,

Yes, there are problems in castling and enpassant. If your openent is in check too, he is able to castle here. That's a bug. And, Enpassant should be aloud here. Please look at the FIDE rools, and aplye all in the board.

Score: +0

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