Ctrl +left or right errow key crashes the client!

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1. The-white-dove,

Dear Admin

When being at any table, I press ctrl + right or left errow key in the menu list box while it is empty, a fatal error dialog appears containing the folowing message: "A fatal error has occurred and the application must be terminated. Please excuse for the inconvenience".

I've asked a number of people about it and found out that the same thing happens to them.

I hope something can be done about it.

Thanks in advance.

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2. Riad,

Hi. yup actually this does the same thing as control+shift+delete does, and I don't know why the playroom hates these keys :D. In addition, there is another bug, if in Scopa or Scientific War you don't have any card to play and you press home or end, the playroom will stop working until you close it from task manager, and that's a problem I forgot to mention before.

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3. Exink,

Oh me dear friend, this bug is already knew by Aminiel but I think that the first command is kept because it can help as a quick restarting fuction. Well, don't know, but I've read some posts in where this bug was useful for some people, even "ctrl+shift+delete" is one of the Aminiel's special commands.

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Last edited by Exink, Jun 10 2015 23:09:58

4. Aminiel,


I have found the problem with Home/End. It will be fixed in the next client release. This will take a while before it is up though.

However, I'm unable to reproduce any crash when pressing Ctrl+Arrows. For me, everything works fine. At which game do you have this bug ?

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5. Riad,

That's only when you don't play (eg. you are a spectator, waiting between rounds, sitting at free tables, etc). If you were so and pressed ctrl+left/right arrow, it will do a fatal error, same as ctrl+shift+del.

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6. The-white-dove,

Riad is correct. Just make sure to be on the menu list box by pressing tab and then press ctrl +right or left errow key.

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7. Aminiel,

Sorry, but nothing happens on my side.

I think I need a detailled way of triggering the crash. What is your OS ? your screen reader ?

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Last edited by Aminiel, Jun 12 2015 15:00:29

8. The-white-dove,

I have windows 7 32 bit and use jaws 16, but have just tried to do the same using NVDA and it didn't crash!

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Last edited by The-white-dove, Jun 12 2015 16:22:35

9. Riad,

I have windows 7 64 bit, it crashes with NVDA

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10. MuhammadHajjar,

Hey, I have windows 7, 32-bit with nvda, and it crashed with me today, but now, it refuses to crash :D, I think there are some factors for that but I don't know what are they.

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11. The-white-dove,

Yes, I have tried it once again now and it does crash with NVDA as well.

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12. Exink,

I'm unable to reproduce any crash when pressing Ctrl+Arrows. For me, everything works fine. At which game do you have this bug ?

If you want to reproduce this bug, it's so easy as following these two steps:

  1. Enter to the Playroom in the english part.
  2. Maybe it could happend in the other languages too, but make sure to enter in this side to confirm the crash with us.
  3. Create a free table or join to any existent and try pressing CTRL+Windows+left-or-right arrow. And as the frenchmans say, boilà!
  4. Inmediately you receive a beautiful error message, hitting your face and telling you that the aplication must be closed without any remedy to avoid the crash from happening.

This also happens with other games (usually reported in 1000 miles), but it's not so often.

I hope it can help for finding the error.


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13. Riad,

I'll give you an example: if you are a spectator at a table of Uno, meaning you don't have any card to play, then press control+left/right arrow, no need to press the windows key with it.

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14. Exink,

This ocurs me also pressing Windows,with both combination keys. My example is the most usual, since I have created many free tables and the result is the same. And also, I tested the bug with home/hend keys and once, the aplication stopped of working and the error message appeared too, but if you wait some minutes, the aplication is restored without closing it with the task manager.

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Last edited by Exink, Jun 13 2015 18:42:50

15. Riad,

I don't see a solution in waiting for some minutes, especially if you're playing with a person you don't know, and he keeps saying "play" like a spambot, you should resolve it quickly or else he/she will go to another table.

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16. Aminiel,

Home/end problem will be solved at next release, I found the solution. But I'm not going to make a special release just for this bug, it's not so grave; so it will only be released in a few months, not immediately.

However, for Ctrl+Left/Right, sorry, but I have no crash myself. Everything is working very well. I'm also on windows 7 with Jaws 16.

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17. Exink,

Did you try also with the free tables? I made three free tables and this happened me with all them, 3/3.

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18. gaurasuryavanshi,

yes this happened to me, but only one time. I've heard about this crashing from a friend of mine and decided to try it and it workds lol. maybe playroom hates these keys haha.

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19. afrim,

Hi, I find it mostly as a trick, rather than a bug. It's true that if you press ctrl+right or left arrow causes a fatal error to the playroom, but that happens when you do it continuosly, and you keep holding both these keys pressed.

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20. wolfi,

this happeneds with me but without pressing anything, rofl

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21. Exink,

Ah, I forgot to mention that this sometimes happens while I am playin uno. It's not very often, but I'm not sure if this also has happened with other persons.

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22. princess-mira ,

Yes, it can be done with Shift+right/left arrow. Once I made a mistake and found out it randomly. If we look from another side, it's fast way for disconnecting. hahaha. But from another, it's annoying....

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23. gaurasuryavanshi,

yes it's a fast way for disconnecting lol. but in the past, this kind of error was happening to me, and I think not only to me, it was happening just without pressing anything, it happened while I was playying, and this kind of error was happening to me very often in the past, but now it's solved, and I am happy... and the sound is very interesting hahaha

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24. EstrellaVega,

Hello there,

Aminiel, i think they had in mind the right control key. It crashed for me some time ago, but i didn't check more.


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25. afrim,

That's that fast way to connect and disconnect as fast as possible that I ask you "You can't do it faster than me can you".
:) :p :)

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26. MuhammadHajjar,

Look: I did it a little while ago in a free table, but when I tried to do it again, it didn't work.

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