bug in playeroom kicking players.

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1. whozitken,

Hello, just now was playing monopoly and the client wouldn't let my oponent do anything. he hit alt f4 and was kicked from the table not simply disconnected. why does the client sometimes freeze like that, it wrecked a monopoly game.

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2. Riad,

Hi, if you want to terminate the playroom's application without losing any data, do it from the task manager.

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3. LaraStardust,

yeppers, or try the f11 key

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4. gaurasuryavanshi,

yes, sometimes playroom kicks you out instead of reconnecting

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5. Marina,

Or, you can press control shift delete, you'll get a fatal error then re-connect by opening it but bare in mind don't wait to long or else server would automatically kick you, then you'll find everything as it was.

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6. Riad,

no, ctrl+shift+del doesn't worrk with my win7 64-bit machine.

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7. Marina,

strange, I've used windows 7 32bit, windows 8.1 64bit, and finally now using windows 10 64bit, it works in all of them for me, maybe this is a used shortcut or something for you.

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8. Riad,

No it isn't used by any program, but at least I'm able to cancel the task from the task manager

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9. Aminiel,

Ctrl+Shift+Del is not and has never been a real feature. This shortcut is just used for my own debugging.

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