canceling a forum reply in the client creates a bug (solved)

5 messages, 1 pages:  1 ↖ Go back to topic list

Score: +3

1. horse,

I doubt I'm the only person who has seen this, but I'm surprised it wouldn't be fixed if mentioned before. If canceling a reply in a forum topic here in the client, a bug exists until you leave that forum. When creating a new topic either in the forum or from your inbox, it will bring you to the reply dialog for that previous forum topic instead.

Score: +0

2. Aminiel,


Can you give an exact procedure to reproduce the bug ?
I don't manage to do it right now.

Thank you.

Score: +1

3. Nikola,

I've noticed this bug but I thought nobody except me will ever encounter it, LOL. Anyway, here are the STR:

  1. Open the client forum and go to a specific forum, for example suggestions and comments.
  2. Find any topic such as this one and open it.
  3. Press CTRL+R to reply.
  4. Type some random text and press OK.
  5. Press escape to exit the reply menu.
  6. Press escape to return to the topics list.
  7. Press CTRL+N to create a new topic in this forum you just returned to.

Actual: You get only the message field, and no field for the subject. This is because in reality, the menu that opened is the one to reply to the previous topic we just visited in step 2.
Expected: The new topic menu should open.

Note that this affects editing a message in exactly the same way, LOL this bug is how I accidentally posted a completely nonsense message in the known beta bugs topic.

Score: +1

4. horse,

you don't have to type anything into the box for the bug to be present. But yes those are the correct steps. If accessing the inbox from the forum it does this as well. Say for example you press control + shift + m while in a topic. Once you exit the topic, you will be in your inbox, but composing a new permanent message leads to the previous form topic reply dialog instead.

Score: +0

Last edited by horse, Jul 22 2024 13:38:06

5. Aminiel,


I have changed something. I hope it is fixed, but I'm afraid to have introduced another bug.
Tell me how it goes.

Score: +2

5 messages, 1 pages:  1 ↖ Go back to topic list

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