The old "ghost game" problem when selecting teams

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Score: +1

1. HeadphoneJack,

Hello, a while back there was an issue in games like dominoes and 5s & 3s where entering then escaping out of the option menu would leave the table in an inconsistent state where there wouldn't be a game in progress, yet one couldn't add bots and had to end the game by pressing x.

Something similar has reappeared in games that have teams (tested with 5s and 3s, scopa and 1000 miles). Here's how to reproduce:

  1. Create a new table
  2. Enable the "play with teams" option.
  3. Press enter to make the "selection of teams" menu appear.
  4. Press escape
  5. The behavior I mentioned should happen.

Of course, it should return the game into its original open state, like it usually does when pressing escape in the option's menu.

Score: -1

2. HeadphoneJack,

It appears that this problem isn't just in dominoes and fives and threes, it hapens in scopa too, and probably other games that include teams.

Score: +0

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