1. NebulaDrift,
Hello all, I noticed a bug. When 2 players are playing Quiz Party and 1 of them leaves in between, a bot joins the table. However, Quiz Party doesn't allow bots.
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Score: +1
Hello all, I noticed a bug. When 2 players are playing Quiz Party and 1 of them leaves in between, a bot joins the table. However, Quiz Party doesn't allow bots.
Score: +0
it's not a bug, it's a feature.
If you don't want this bot to be a part of the game, you should use CTRL+K and kick it, and a new one won't come.
As for why you may want this, if a human got disconnected or left by any accident, you can keep the bot in the game and wait until the player comes back (if you know they're coming back), or look for another player. Once that's the case, you just replace the bot by that player, and the game continues with the same amount of players, instead of losing one.
It's not all that particularly important in Quiz, but in some other games, it can be quite useful.
Score: +0
Last edited by Nikola, Oct 22 2024 17:37:53
Score: +0
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