Bug in uno with thinking time

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1. Lemonade,

hi, I got a bug to report. This happens when you play uno with thinking time enabled. Its a little complex, so I hope I can explain it properly.
Basically, when playing, when someone's thinking time is over, they automatically draw a card. But if they still can't play after having drawn a card, the next person is skipped for some reason.
I will give an example. Player A has no cards to play, so he waits 4 seconds until the thinking time is over and then automatically draws a card and is skipped. The card he just drew cannot be played either. As a result, player b is skipped, and player c can play.
I am almost sure it goes like this, if player A would have drawn a card and the card he drew could be played, player B would not be skipped.
Hope this made some sense!

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2. fire-starter,


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3. Epic_Krrish,

i think that happens only if the person draws the card and it doesn't matches the the color which is on the table... that's why it skeeps

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4. dementress ,

I think I know that bug as well, it seemed strange but I didn't report it. Anyways I can't find words to describe even on my lang. Is kind of... confusing.

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