Error connecting to the server, Playroom v2 Beta 1

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1. timtam,

I downloaded the playroom just a few mins ago and tried to install it. It worked all fine. I started it and entered my username and password and tried to cnnect. I waited until it finished by sending a "Connection Error" message. After that I tried it again and again by takig a look into the debug.txt file inside the %appdata%\QCGC2" folder and noticed, that I aso get an connection error: 0 back from your server and that connection is successful, but challenge message couldn't be received. I disabled Windows Firewall and Antivirus software, nothin works. The funny thing is, by using a command line tool onto the addrss which is offered in the debug.txt ( shows me a message "challenge xyz", where xyz are just some random signs, so the connection works very well. It seems that your gameroom can't retrieve or detect this challenge message correctly. Can you get the probem out of it?
Best Regards,

Score: +0

Last edited by timtam, Feb 15 2013 21:53:30

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