Problem with views in Recent Version

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1. Nermypoo,

Hi all,

when I try switching views with the alt left right arrows or the alt combinations, all I am getting is the announcement "alt0, 1, 2, 3," etc., depending on the view I choose. Someone told me I could read messages more easily with these combinations, but everything stays the same, and all the other messages do not go away. I should be hearing "private message, message" or something instead, but this does not happen. I tried reinstlaling the client, but that didn't work either.
Any way of fixing this?
I am using the client on Windows 10, the interface is English, but my OS is in German.

Would be great if someone could shed light on that.

Score: +0

2. Marina,

strange enough, I am using windows 10 too but I am able to see the views normally, but try alt 4, which is the private messages then page up and down and see if it will work, and also better press alt m to make sure you do it while being on the menu. Hope it works

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3. Nermypoo,


thanks for the reply.
I got it now, I thought that this owuld filter the read only edit field, and didn't think about using the page up down combination. Now it seems to work as expected.

Thanks again.

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