About the time limit in uno

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1. out_and_about ,

Hello for everyone,
I noticed that when playing with the time limit in uno, there is a diference while playing with bots and without bots. When we play with the bots, the time stops after playing a wilde or wilde draw four. I mean, after choosing a colour or when you acuse someone for bloffing. That is, you acuse someone, the sistem notifys you that it's wrong or not, but the time is stopped after you play. Why it doesn't happen when you play with real users?
I hope i explained it clearly.

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2. Marina,

in fact it does stop when playing with humans too, but there is an other bug which is signaled here:

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3. out_and_about ,

No, i see that you didn't understand me: It's true that when i play a wile, the timer stops, no matter if you are playing with bots or no. But i am talking about, when even me or the other player has chosen the colour. When you play with bots only, the timer only starts working when the next player plays his or her card. But, while playing with real people, when the colour after the wile is chosen, that's the moment when the time starts.

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4. Exink,

Maybe you might try to explain it better; even I couldn't understand it myself. So, you mean that the timer stops to run for the bots when playing a wild and they start to make their movements? Note that in an ordinary game, the timer does not work for the bots because that makes no sense since although the bots are relatively slow when they play and intercept, they don't think more than four or five seconds on what card they are about to play.

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5. out_and_about ,

OK. Let's do it graficaly:
In a game without bots: Player A plays a wile draw for and chooses an X colour. As soon it happens, the timer starts to ran. While player B acusses player A of bloofing, and suposing that the acusation is wrong so she or he has to draw the six cards, player B has only little time to choose his or her card because the time is over, has to draw another card and loose his or her turn. It's player A's turn again!
On the contrary, while playing with bots, if the bot chooses the colour, the timer is still stoped and stars to work again only after playing my card. Is it clear now?

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6. Exink,

Like the cristal;). I have checked it in an atempt to understand your words and it's fairful and true. A bot played a wild draw four, so I decided to acuse it but I was wrong, then I tried to draw the three available cards to be drewn to see if the time was enabled, but it didn't happen; I could play my cards like the timer was disabled.

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7. out_and_about ,

Yes, then do the same, but with real players and no bots. You will see the diference...

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8. Marina,

but this is normal. If you choose to play with the time limit then that how it should be.
according to bots, I am not sure if it's a bug, or it's because bots choose colours too fast and it would be hard to notice what they chose so we're given a chance or something.

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9. out_and_about ,

But in case of real players, we can choose the colour fast: press g for green, y for yellow, R for red and b for blue. In fact, these shortcuts depend on the language you are playing the game. In the case of spanish, this letters are changed into V, A, R or no key and just enter.

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