Bug in Monopoly - board with tuelve nations (translation)

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1. Exink,


I come here with a translation of a post where a user reports a very interesting monopoly bug, so I decided to add it too.

OK, so here we go...

Hello, as the subject says, I've found a bug. I have two public services, and the game says me I own all of them. After, my oponent buys waters guords, something like that, and we made a trade (I was playing with a bot). and again it says: you own all the properties of the public service group. tortue ninja owns all the properties of the violet group. (it was a french bot). And I had to edit, since I realized that I lacked stations and the same happened. You own all the stations, but I didn't have t queneddi airport yet.

In short, what I think he means is that if you buy more than two services or stations, the game keeps saying you that you own all the properties of each group.

OK, that's it; thanks and we hope it can be fixed! Best regards.

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Last edited by Exink, Oct 10 2015 16:50:07

2. Lemonade,

This happens when you first play a game on one of the smaller boards, and then on the super board. I don't know if there are other conditions that have to be met, but this seems to be one of them.

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3. BhavyaShah ,

I confirm the occurrence of this issue.
I have particularly noticed this happening that you now own all properties of the Public Service and Stations group on the Super board 12 Nations.

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4. LaraStardust,

on a related note, I may be wrong, but has anyone else noticed that a lot of the cities seem to be spelt wrong?

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