Last client update 2.0.4 still not working

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Score: +0

1. palas,


Running a 2.0.4 on xp servicepack 3 doesn't work. The connection sound rings for ever and the connection isnt stablished.
Tried it in a vista machine and it seens to work as expected. The "trying to stablish connection" loops untill I press alt f4 and confirm with yes.
Log below:

Loading config...
Loading language...
Creating worker thread...
Initializing UniversalSpeech...
Speech engine selected: #0
Speech initialized OK
Initializing bass...
Loading bass plugins...
Configuring bass...
Listing bass devices...
Init bass device #1 [Áudio Bluetooth ]
Bass initialized OK
INitializing GUI...
Initializing extended controls...
Initializing RichText control...
Creating GUI...
GUI created OK
Entering connection dialog
INitializing connection dialog
Connection dialog Ok
Exiting connection dialog
Entering app main loop
Connecting to
Exiting app main loop
Saving config...
Connection error code: 10038
Connection closed !
Closing BASS...

Score: +0

2. Aminiel,

Are you sure that you aren't blocked by a firewall, an anti-virus, or something like that ?

ON XP, there are sometimes dialog box which asks if you really want to allow network access. Anti-viruses and firewalls also often do so. Those dialog boxes often appear a little hidden and aren't always correctly read by screen readers, so pay attention. Perhaps there was one and you didn't see it.

Score: +0

3. palas,

See .. its trying to connect to ratter than
I guess you should have paid attention to that and this explains pretty much why its not connecting, as trying to ping doesnt work here but pinging does work as we expected.
I have no idea where its setup in the client but changing the server should do it. Now the question is how to do it.

Score: +0

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