A huge bug in Yathzee!

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1. Exink,

Hi all, specially to the admins:

A friend has found out a very strange yathzee bug, and I want to let you know. Well, this is not a translation but a paraphrase.

When you are playing yathzee with one bot and for some reason you decide to kick it, the game continues active! Namely, the message that says the game is now open does not appear, and this one becomes self-playable. And wait, this is not the end of the story!

Besides of you take the turn of the bot and finally you score your points of the last roll, you still are able to score using the same dice roll. I tried it and i was able to score a total of 133 points with a 3 3 4 4 4 roll. I couldn't neither re roll any of the dice, but instead when I ended to put all the points I couldn't do nothing else to change the parameters, just end the game. Also, I tested this bug making another Yathzee table, but this time with a human player. We did it in all ways: I kicked her out of the table, I kicked myself, she kicked me, she and I left the table (each on their turn) etc, and the result is the same. It does not happen until there is one player left in the game, so if there's a three players group and one of them decides to go out, the game will keep active until there's just a single person sitting at the table.

Although this is not a so problematic bug, it's very weird because this is the single game where this happens.

Thanks to gatito-lindo who could find out the bug.

So, what do you think about this? Was Yathzee thought to be for a single player too? Thanks a lot for reading! Regards.

Score: +0

Last edited by Exink, Oct 19 2015 03:22:17

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