bug in reversee. or it may be somewhere else?

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1. aravis,

hello, all. i've discovered a little strange bug in reversee. don't know if it can be reproduced in other games, but it's like this: no matter if you play with bots or live players, after a certain number of moves there comes a time when the game just stops. the turn usually stays with the player who joined your game. although the client seems to work, well, you can even kick the player from the game and the table will be open for new players, you can't do much. you can chat, you can view scores, you can view history, but you can't carry on with the game itself. hope i've made myself clear. i'm open to your questions.


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2. Aminiel,

Could you explain more what do you mean by being unable to continue the game ?
Did you tried to play somewhere and it does just nothing ? Do you have an error message ?
Are you sure you are playing in a valid place ? Are you sure you don't have any connection problem ?
Could you post logs ?

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3. aravis,

no no! no error messages! and i'm not sure what you mean by playing in a valid plays, since it's still called Quentinc's gameroom that's a valid place all right. and my internet connection is fine, otherwise i couldn't have created this very topic immediately after that reversee game i couldn't complete. so, once again, from the very beginning. i created a new game and added bot terminator. i played with it for a short while, and then there came a time when terminator's turn came to play, but it wouldn't do anything. for my part i could do whatever was available to a live player while being in a game in progress, that is, send and read chats, read history, view scores, find out whose turn it is, even stop the game in progress and kick players from the game. i waited for some time, but that terminator didn't make its move. i checked internet connection all right, but it was stable. unfortunately, i'm not entirely sure where to find the logs for the game.


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4. Aminiel,

Ah, you mean the bot never played when it was its turn.

I know that some games freeze that way sometimes, for strange reasons, due to bugs in the bot code. It would have been nice to send me the log witht the game position.

The next time it arrives, try to call someone with F4 and save the log and the game somewhere if nobody responds. Without any log, I can't do much.

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5. aravis,

hello there, i've seen this bug again, yet with another bot. this time i sent a report to the moderators, but none of 'em was connected, i suppose. i saved the history in a file, i'm not sure if that's what you need. you'll only see a bunch of game messages andsome random chats between two users i don't know at all. and if that'll suffice, how can i send this file to you?


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6. Aminiel,

Contact us by e-mail to send your history, to staff at qcsalon dot net.

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7. SamuelR,

Yeah. this is my third time problem with the bot not taking its turn on reversee. its so nice to play this game. and perhaps the bot just gives up, or freezes by not taking its turn on reversee. i'm within 5 games or so you will come to find out that the bots dont take their turns in the middle on reversee. this is my second time the bot did not take its turn. Could you please look at it. particularly reversee.
I just tried reconnecting but this does not help. anyway.
Thank you.

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