a bug in backgammon

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1. aravis,


after restoring a game of backgammon i couldn't see the playing board. there's just an empty space instead.

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2. wolfi,

yes even if you reconnect

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3. majoz,

Hi there, I want to report the next problem in beggammon game. When I was playing with a bot and the server went to reboot it self, the game has been reset to starting point. Thanks for reading, Mjz.

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4. fire-starter,

also if u press f11 the board is dead

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5. Exink,

And also when you change the language for the table.

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6. aravis,

this time when i played with a bot, the game crashed because the bot couldn't make a move. right in the history i got this message:

Debug: found move but failed to play it: from=22, to=23, enter=false, exit=false

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7. Aminiel,

Most bugs related to restoration should now be solved.

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8. Cristina ,

And don't forget, it is still beta and cause of this it can happen.

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9. sukil,

I am new to Backgamon and I find a part of the rules and the game confusing:
Suppose that my opponent captures one of my tokens. Also suppose that my third interior square has three tokens of my opponent. If I get a three and I press enter on that square, I am informed that the captured token gets into the third square, but I can't see it there. The rules also say that a token cannot get into a barrier, and that you cannot move your tokens if one of more of them are captured.
So, what's happening? Is this a bug? Should my turn be skipped in this situation?

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10. musiclover,

i dont know how to play

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11. aravis,

yes, i myself noticed this thing that when i return a captured token, it goes into a square with two or more opponent's tokens, and as it can not be seen there, i'm forced to return it some place else. according to the rules, this shouldn't be happening. and yes, christina, everyone is well aware it's a beta, amd it has bugs, and we're reporting ones.

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12. Cristina ,

Actualy you can not make an enter token on the board if on that square are tokens of your opponent.
it should tell you "this move is impossible".
And you can start moving your tokens, just after when you entered back on the board all your tokens which were captured.

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Last edited by Cristina , Dec 27 2015 10:41:50

13. Aminiel,

One bug of that kind has been solved this morning. Don't hesitate to post new reports, and, if you can, please also post a summary of the situation of the board at that moment. Thank you.

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14. Lemonade,

if I hit ctrl+f1 to view the game documentation the client also seems to crash, does this happen for anyone else?

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15. Exink,

I have another bug:

When you restore the table, the board doesn't disappear anymore and you can see the tokens for both players. Nevertheless, you will realize that all the previous movements have been lost.

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16. Lemonade,

I can confirm that one. If you save the game and then restore it'll be like a new game.

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17. bogdanmuresan,

Hi all. I also want to report something strange. When we play with the black, the table isn't with the black collor infront of as. Normaly, when you are playing with the black, the table must be with the place where you will took the pieces and remove, in your left side.

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18. Lemonade,

Also another bug which results in the game not being able to be played further. I rolled a 6 and a 2, I took out a token from the game by hitting enter twice from position 23, thereby using the 2 I rolled. which left me with something to do with the 6 I rolled. But I could not do anything, because all my tokens were above position 18 so I could not move them any further to the right, the game should probably have told me I couldn't play further, but in stead it just sits there doing nothing, so we can't play on with this game.

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19. masackru,

OK, this is more an interpretation of the rules, rather than a bug itself.

Backgammon is a very popular game in România. I play it for more than 10 years. However, I found out some strange things happens when pulling out your pieces.

Suppose we have pieces at 1, 2, 3 and 4.
We roll a 5-6. Normally, we should be able to take the piece from 4 and then from 3, since 5 and 6, respectively, are bigger than 4.

But, in the game, it allows you to take out pieces from position 1 and 2.

If I have a piece at 1 and at 4 and I roll a 5, I shouldn't be allowed to take the 1 out, before I take out the 4.

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20. Lemonade,

Hmm never mind about the unplayable thing, apparently if you role dice you can't do anything with you're just allowed to take random tokens out of the board. Not sure if that is a rule, but it works... LOL

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21. Hayden,

Two major Bugs:

  1. If an opponent refuses a double, it is scored as if you have born off all your tokens. This means that, if you have tokens in my inner board at the time, then it scores me as if I had finished with a backgammon. The correct rule is that I gain the current stake, so, if the stack were at one point, then if you refuse a double I score one.
  2. If I roll, for example, a 6 and a 1, then bare off from 1, I am not allowed to bare off from 6 as if I had used the 6 roll to bare off from 1.
  3. Not a bug, but it is incorrect for the table masters to always start the game. The way backgammon is almost always played is that you roll to determine start--higher die begins, and uses the rolls for their first turn. So if you roll a 3 and I roll a 4, I go first and play a 4 3 roll to begin.

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22. Cristina ,

Here's another bug.
I rolled 1 6 and took out the token from 1 then when tried to take from 6, it did not allow me. It said: "this move is impossible".
I had tokens on:1, 3, 5 and 6.
I tried then to move a token from 6 to 5 and this worked, but this is not normal, as long as I had tokens on 1 and 6 too.

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Last edited by Cristina , Dec 29 2015 21:01:21

23. Hayden,

Yes; that was one of the bugs I just alluded to :).

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24. Aminiel,

The bug that made the game to not save/restore board position properly has been solved. Older backgammon games aren't restorable.

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25. Lemonade,

Thanks! That really helps, because this isn't a very fast game so saving is pretty important.

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26. Exink,

Hello, I would like to post another bug quicly; or an inconsistency, whatever you want to call it:

When my oponent hits (captures) two or more of my pieces I don't see them on the board nor the bar. Then I must put them again in the home quadrants of my oponent to recover them, and there is not a message indicating if a checker is at the bar or not. Ah, another thing: in theory if I must re-enter the checkers again when they're in the bar, there should not be possible to put them when there are more checkers at the same number which I rolled in the dice. For example, if I rolled a 5 4, and there are 3 checkers from my oponent at the position 21 but the position 20 is empty, the game just should allow me to play in the position 20, not in both places to my liking. Regards.

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27. Aminiel,

The number of tokens in the bar is given if you press the I key.

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28. YNWA,

Found another bug. I restarted a game with a bot and the bot had it's second move. After that it had 2 rolls of the die That means it had the option of 6 moves..

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