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1. YNWA,

Since the last couple of days when I have tried to set a score to 300 or more i only get the score set to 3600. At First i thought I had made a typing error but when trying and trying again it was not going to 300. At this point today we had 4 players.

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2. Cristina ,

Yes, and I tried today to set the score limit to 333, but it was like 3996.
Then I had chosen the implicit and the score was 3000.
Then I tried again, had chosen tournament version and let the score limit as it is, for 500. But when I pressed enter for starting the game, the score limit was 6000.
So, we had to choose how many rounds to play, cause of this.
It is not a bad idea this new possibility of choosing how many rounds to play, but it would be also good if we would still have the alternative to set the score limit, when we don't want to play a certainnumber of rounds.

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3. YNWA,

before it gave the numbers as say 48.5 and now in fractions!

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4. Exink,

I don't know if this is a bug or rather a new rule, but even you can fix a number of 100 rounds while normally as far as I know, you only are able to fix 50 in those games such as 1000 miles, jass, etc. And I did put 200 points or so (well, I don't remember it well) and the score limit was fixed to 2400 points. Hmm, have you tried to see if the cards give more points? Maybe that's why we have a bigger number of points.

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Last edited by Exink, Dec 29 2015 20:57:12

5. YNWA,

they are the same. It is just a bug strange it was not answered yet!

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6. Cristina ,

It is the end of this year.
So, let's wait for answers, because even Aminiel needs some free days. smile

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7. Aminiel,

This bug is now solved, thank you for signaling !

IN fact it was just a display error. When defining the limit to be 500, the limit was effectively set to 500, but for a stupid reason, the number was multiplied by 12 when displayed.

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8. YNWA,

I am glad it's sorted now and well done for that. Some bad bots here now know that you can play a spacific amount of rounds so that has helped them too!

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