Problems with Safary and the web client (translation)

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1. Exink,


I want to translate a problem which occured to a user while he was using the web client. Sorry if there are some translation mistakes. Then, that's what he said:

After that a user has notified me, I've decided to test something with my virtual machine and this is right. You can't use the playroom client with VoiceOver in Mac.
I have the latest Os x version, the captain. I don't know if the client is displaying, if it works on iPhone or in previous versions of Safary. The point is that when loading the page, nothing is displayed at all. Everything appears blank, even I'm unable to interact with the html content.
Kind regards.

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Last edited by Exink, Dec 30 2015 19:13:54

2. fire-starter,

this is wrong, the latest version of osx is osx elKapitan
Here works everything fine. So I don't know whats wrong


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3. el_pichon,

I am the user who posted it in the spanish forum. Arial15 has translated 'El Capitan' as 'the captain'. Including myself, there are 3 users with this problem. The web client screen is blank, at least for VoiceOver users.

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4. sukil,

This also happens in iOS 9.2.

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5. Exink,

Oh sorry, as the translator as I was, I didn't know that I should keep "el capitan" in its original word. Well, thanks for clarifying this.

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6. Aminiel,

Strange, everything works fine with iOS9.2 on my iPhone5.

Those who have this problem, do you have an error message or something to help ?

Make sure that the private browsing mode is turned off. For some still unknown reason, you can't play if it's on; this is a known problem for quite a while but I didn't found a solution yet.

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7. sukil,

This ahs been confirmed in three iPhone 5S, and at least 1 is using iOS 9.2.

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8. fire-starter,

i don't have problems with the webclient, on the last version of osx. Maybe its private mode?

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9. el_pichon,

If private mode is enabled by default in Safari or it has been automatically enabled in the latest update on all Apple systems, yes. That's the problem.

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10. basket,

working fine here and I'm running the latest version of el capitan.

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11. matar.desgarrar,


I'm running the 1st beta of OS X 10.11.3 and I've the same problem: when I try to interact with the HTML area of the web client, I can't do it, the area is empty. The window that is pening the web client isn't private. Only happens the title (Cliente Web | La sala de juegos, Web Client | QuentingC Playroom in english). I have a Mac Book Pro with VO running in spanish. tomorrow I will try the behavior of the iPhone (iOS 9.2.1 B1, Spanish) about that.
Finally, please excuse me for possible mistakes in this message, I hope that could be entended.

Best regards.

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12. Exink,

It seems many people have been getting the same problem. I can't do too much for helping since I don't have a mac or such things, , but I'd like to know: have the admins changed the web page recently? Or maybe there's something wrong with the new mack versions.

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Last edited by Exink, Jan 1 2016 05:09:50

13. el_pichon,

This is a very strange problem. An user told me this morning that he can access again using his iPhone. I have iOs 9.2 on an iPhone 6 plus, and Os x El Capitan 10.11.2 in a virtual machine.

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14. matar.desgarrar,


Yes, looks like this is a strange problem which only appears on certain machines. Can be a regional setting, for example, the users who visit the spanish PlayRoom? Or the user who tell to you that he can access to the web client have the regional settings set to spanish too?

UPDATE: A few minutes ago I could access the web client without problems. I discart the option of the regional settings. Very strange. Could be Aminiel, who did modifications on the client and didn't say it to the forum? I don't know.

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Last edited by matar.desgarrar, Jan 1 2016 18:02:54

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