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1. YNWA,

I noticed when playing 1000 Miles that the junking of cards were inconsistent. Say i am at 400 miles and I have a consense card played against me. I want to junk a 100 miles card. If i press enter it will say are you sure you want to junk this card. If I say yes I will go down to 300 miles. If I press the delete key first then say yes i stay at 400 miles and it is the same if i press control J. My question is are all these options correct or do some of them need to be corrected?

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2. Aminiel,

Tehre is nothing wrong here. Consens don't prevent you from playing your 100 miles card.

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3. YNWA,

That was not the question. the question is if you play a 100 mile card with consense against you should you automatically go back 100 miles. In the example i gave I was at 400 miles and I could choose to avoid going back 100 miles by either pressing the delete key or control j. If you should go back 100 miles then the delete opttion and control j option should be the same as the pressing enter on the 100 miles card. If not then the pressing enter on 100 miles should be the same as the delete and the control j option.

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4. Cristina ,

No, those options are ok and there's no bug.
If you don't want to lose any mile when you wwere stopped with a consense card, then simply press j letter then enter on that card or delete key and enter.

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Last edited by Cristina , Jan 14 2016 13:28:08

5. Aminiel,

You can always choose whether to play or throw away your 100 miles card. If you play it you go back 100 miles, and if you throw it away nothing happens.

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6. YNWA,

ok thanks for clearing it up. Quite eccentric but such is life.

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7. Aminiel,

That's because consense ise mainly made for distracted players, who do multiple things beside playing and/or aren't very consentrated. They might not remember that they are Under consense when their turn come.

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8. rishan,

who is the safety key for concense like full tank for gas and right away for red light.

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9. topSpeed ,

it is driving ace for both con sense and accident

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10. Sajad-Aliraqi,


is not bug, but if you already got consens's card against you, you'll lose your miles step by step.


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