bug with history and windows client

9 messages, 1 pages:  1 ↖ Go back to topic list

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1. each-and-everythinh ,

hello , i just noticed a bug with hhistory: if you press shift f10 on the history edit box and choose clear history , the history is cleared but when new messages come in to the history , you can not use page up and down to read them. Hope this can be fixed in a future update.

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2. Vojvoda ,

is this fixed

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3. each-and-everythinh ,

no , it will probably require a client update but who knows

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4. Vojvoda ,

not existed admins knows

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5. each-and-everythinh ,

lol aminiel will say at some point. I hope.

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6. Sajad-Aliraqi,

We are only users on the playroom now. I don't see there is a turn for admins. Only in block and ban. Anyway.

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7. anonymous_person,

We're users, practice collaboratively between us. Admins stopped caring about English part.

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8. Exink,

Well, Aminiel hasn't replied since some time ago. Could he be in holidays?

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9. Sajad-Aliraqi,

Well, it's been a longtime. I think Aminiel stopped caring about English part. These are not holidays. Anyway, happy time all.

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