fishing aces

4 messages, 1 pages:  1 ↖ Go back to topic list

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1. garden-lady,

When i use control f1 to get instructions, I see the rules for boulabaise. But when I play game, these rules don't apply. When will the correct instructions for fishing aces be posted?

Score: +0

2. felipe-martinez,


There are no Available rules for Fishing aces at this Moment

but You can discover One of Available game rules by Yourself

The Gamerules will be posted, but not soon

Score: +0

3. whozitken,

Hello fishing aces is apparently taken off of the playroom temporarily. at least I didn't see it when I hosted the game stop on out-of-sight. was going to paly that game but it's gone.

Score: +0

4. musiclover,

it hould be putbackon

Score: +0

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