
44 messages, 2 pages:  12 ↖ Go back to topic list

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31. Dayan ,

yeh yeh cause it might be a new language so how will we... :D :D

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32. Sajad-Aliraqi,

Well, this is a chans for him.
But it won't happenes. I've told him in Arabic before but he doesn't care.
Saludos a everyone LOOL

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33. Cristina ,

This should be a good reason Abdurahman to change and become our friend and teacher as well.
I am interested to learn that yucatecan language as long as I've learned a bit from some languages since that date when I've come first time on this platform. smile

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34. Sajad-Aliraqi,

The funny thing when Felipe say don't violate the rules of the playroom roflrofl. And he breaks them up.
Abdu, we are writing to you but don't know, by which account will you read these messages?
Don't tell me Judah, I would get shock and die. Because Judah passed away, died in Israel, his head in Canada and his feat you know where.
He has about 26 accounts wow! It must be one of genius encyclopedia.
So this is your chans again. If you back, we will also laugh with you and will remember the previous days with your accounts... Then you can make yourself the real Abdulrahman, Abdurrahman, AbdulRahmaan. Don't make yourself Abduljudah or Abdulfelipe.
Regards mates
Best account Abdu

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35. sound2,

I think he enjoys creating all these different accounts. It makes life more interesting for him. Apologising and being the real person would take the fun away for him. At least I think. It's all a kind of escape.

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36. Sajad-Aliraqi,

When he continue creating accounts.
Of course, he would lose this chans.
This childish has no fans.
After that, no one would forgive him, his mind is empty of plans.
I don't mean to insult you, or being rude, but please sense it, what is the benefit of creating 2 accounts pretending to be from France.

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37. YNWA,

by keep writing this spam you are just creating more entertainment for him to gloat over and will encourage him to create more accounts He wants people to take notice of him so writing more pointless articles on the forum is not only boring but encouraging his actions unfortunately. If you are genuinely interested in stopping him then report any suspicious activity to the helpers here as it is not as if they ignore it. I will take it that those that carry on writing more spam about him on the forum are supporters of him!

I will leave this boring article now before I start supporting Manchester United or even Everton, laughing! .

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38. Sajad-Aliraqi,

What are you saying. If I write spam, does it mean I support him? Go watch football match bLOL

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39. Cristina ,

We've created entertainment for ourselves because Abdurahman topic is rather funny than boring or annoying already. But who considers it boring, then is not forced to drop his comment on this topic. :D :D :D

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Last edited by Cristina , Apr 18 2016 10:04:29

40. Sajad-Aliraqi,

The boring thing when you read a comment from 500 characters without a benefit even in one letter. He spams and we call it spam, we can't call desktop as Facebook.

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41. dalimidvecimidvenedali,

Maybe more entertainment for him, but much more entertainment for us, when we are in mood... :D :D

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42. YNWA,

No point complaining about him then if you enjoy it! They do say small things do please some people!

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43. Sajad-Aliraqi,

AHuh, the playroom doesn't want spammers because they break the rules up. And now you say if you enjoy it don't complain. Meh. Then let's everyone to be abuser instead of a user.

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44. basket,

Okay, I think this topic has officially ran its course.

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