0 bid viewing tricks on spades not possible

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1. SamuelR,

Mr. X bets 0.
so its a 0 bid.
mr. X wins 2 tricks. but when playing it does not show that Mr. X has won 2 tricks.
so when i press V i should have heard Mr. X has won 2 tricks out of 0 bid.
But it does not show. it always shows 0 out of 0 or something like that.

Score: +0

2. Aminiel,

It's normal; the tricks that a zero-bidder wins aren't counted for the team, the teammate of a zero-bidder is alone to make his tricks.

Score: +0

3. SamuelR,

alright. but for an individual as well?

Score: +0

4. Sevrior,


I thought I would add in a bit since I was there as well. I understand that when you're playing in teams it makes sense that the scoring is counted individually. That is, if I bet 0 tricks, my teammate's score is independent from that.

However, whether I'm in a team or individually, if I bet 0 tricks, and then during that same round, I lose my bet and win a trick, it seems that other players should be able to see that by pressing v. That is, it should show that I have gained a trick, thus not fulfilling the nill contract, by saying 2 out of 0, or some such. I don't see that not showing this presents any advantages, as a player can simply keep count of course. Similarly, it's necessary to know how many tricks they went over their original bet of 0 in order to keep track of that players' sandbags.


Score: +0

5. Aminiel,

The bug is now fixed when playing individually.

Score: +0

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