problem with surver

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1. ladybug17,

Hi, I was in the middle of playing 1000 miles when I noticed that the surver was down and I couldn't get back to playingthe game.
Not only that but even if I were to connect to the surver it's telling me that someone has connected or disconnected from the surver.
Other players are noticing the samething aswell.
It happen this morning shortly before ten is when it happen.
I hope you guys do something about it cause I get seem to get enough of your games.
They're alot of fun.
Well, I hope it will be up, and running soon.
I'm starting to miss playing battle ship aswell.
Thanks for listening.

Score: +0

2. CathyAnne ,

Well, another issue is that i can't seem to get anyone to tell me how to post a new topic on this forum.

Score: +0

3. redstar,

hi had the same problem in difrent games overr the last few days lastnight a game of farker had to be given up becus plays keept geting booted.
also theothernight no one could create agame of farker becuse it kept saying youneed 2 to 16 players even whenthere were 2 or more people in the game.
as far as how to create a new game just go to the fourm you want to post in like bug report or what ever and look for a link saying create new topick or something like that don't remember the ezacct wording.

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