We cant invite someone to the discusion using the client.

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1. MRMagenta,

Hie all
I send to someone the ppm and I cant invite more partisapents. The problem is that that I cant find the button for a invitation, then we must use the web inbox. Can we invite someone to the discusion with a client?

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2. Mayana,

to invite someone, press ctrl+i then choose their name, or go to your friend list, press enter on that user and choose invite, or press ctrl+w, go to that user, and press enter on him/her then enter on invite.

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3. MRMagenta,

That is for tables. But for inbox. I am thinking about inbox.

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4. each-and-everythinh ,

hello , you use comma when sepparating recipients , for example in the recipient edit box , type like this: Recipient1,recipient2,recipient3 etc... you can have up to 5 participants in one discussion

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5. Mayana,

Till now I didn't even knew you could talk to more than one person in your inbox. so, wow, thanks for that! It's quite useful.

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6. each-and-everythinh ,

You're welcome , yes you can do it and it can be really nice.

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7. MRMagenta,

no, after you have sended the message, You may invite someone to the disscusion Thatis possible in web inbox, but not in clients . I am asking is it possible with a client?

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8. each-and-everythinh ,

hmm , never saw that. You just send the first message to whichever 5 participants you want.

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9. MRMagenta,

ok, Send the privite message to anyone and clich after sending the message open this disscusion on the web. On this webpage you will see a edit box where you can invite even the 6th partisapent. But, I cant find it in the client.

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10. each-and-everythinh ,

nice , i will try.

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11. MRMagenta,

Aminiel has said that invitations are possible when this feature has bin released.

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12. Sajad-Aliraqi,

You can use a space instead of a comma. That's what I use

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13. each-and-everythinh ,

oh really , that's nice

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