bug in uno

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1. WindowEyes,

hello, Just, I was playing uno and I haved 446 and my only appounent has 456. As you may inspect, I may win because 444 is the limit, and I was having the smoller score, but, it shows that both are luzers. Please fics it because it really makes statistics stord rong.

Score: +0

2. Exink,

Hello, from my view this rule was indeed well-applied because in this case both players have reached the score limit, so there wasn't any chance for you to win. If you hadn't reached the limit, you would have won. Regards.

Score: +0

3. WindowEyes,

sorry, but in rules says that if all players reach the score limit at the same time, one with the leest score wins the game, but this doesn't happen in uno here.

Score: +0

4. Exink,

Maybe, but I repeat, if you also reached the score limit, you will probably lose also. In case that your score were lower than the limit, you'll win the game.

Score: +0

5. WindowEyes,

But, if everybuddy haved reached the score limit, Then game luzes this apertunity that someone win and someone luze. And, Also read rules before writing the next post

Score: +0

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