Windows error; Client not starting...

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1. UofL4Life,


I am running the latest version of the Playroom (1.6) on Windows Seven. When I start the client, windows encounters an error, scans for the problem, and then asks me to close the program. I have uninstalled the old version, and reinstalled the new one in an attempt to fix the problem with no luck. Has anyone else encountered this problem?

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2. Aminiel,

Try to delete the file config.ini in the game folder before starting the client again.

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3. UofL4Life,

That solved my problem. Thank you for your help.

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4. VocalBoy26,

Try doing what?? I'm sorry, but could you be more clear?? I'm having the same problem, and really am anxious to reconnect.

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5. Burak,

Delete config.ini

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6. kadiebell,

I'm having the same problem but I'm using windows vista. Do I also try and delete that file?

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7. VocalBoy26,

How do you get to the Games folder? Also, has anyone had any success with the new version of the playroom? 1.7?

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8. Aminiel,

This problem has been solved since.

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9. aredsoxfan,

I just signed up and I am having the same problem. I did a search in my computer for "config.ini" but nothing came up. How do I get around this "fadle error"?

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10. natasa,

Dear friends, My friend has problem, when he open playroom, he has a message: a fatar error is acured, please, excuse for enconvenious. Can you help me? He has windows 7 and he can not log in. Thans for help.

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11. kristijan,

Hi. Your friend had same problem which i had before with playroom 1.72. If i remember good, he must delete the config.ini file. It is in:
c:\documents and settings\username\application data\QuentinC playroom.
Delete it, and playroom will work.

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12. jose-briseno ,

Dear friends. I'm getting a fatal error when I start playroom 1.7.2. Can anyone please tell me how to solve this? I'm running windows 7 32 bit. Thank you so much!

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