Bug with Connect Four.

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1. staindaddict,


When you try to add a bot to play with in Connect Four, it doesn't work. Is this normal? Or, is there supposed to be bots. When I press the B key nothing happens.
I hope this will be fixed.

Score: +0

2. Aminiel,

There wont never be bots for connect four, for the same reason as chess.

Score: +0

3. bob-de-huisbaas,

also, if you did win the board doesn't dis appear. In adition, if you just press enter, you will hear the winning sounds and stuff again.

Score: +0

4. Aminiel,

The fact that the board don't disappear after a win is normal: I did that to let the loser see where you have won, during 30 seconds before starting the next round.

Score: +0

5. blake,

This must be new on the new version. I haven't played connect four in a while, and I had bots, and I had wished I could see where I'd lost, but I hadn't. Looks like I need to go find someone to play connect four with.

Score: +0

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