Playroom keeps disconnecting and reconnecting whenever I do anything

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1. jamese,

Hi, When I connect to the playroom, it connects as normal. However, when I atempt to do anything else on it (e.g. join a table), it disconnects me and then reconects.

My network is working fine with everything else, so I don't understand what's wrong with it.

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2. Aminiel,

Thank you for signaling, but it's a known problem if you idle for more than 8 hours.

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3. jamese,

No, it's not taking 8 hours, more like...1 second.

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4. Aminiel,

By idle, I mean connect, doing something else on your computer while staying connected, and come back to do something on the playroom window afeter 8 hours or more. Some people do so, and in that case, you might be disconnected and directly reconnected while doing your first action (whatever it is) after your long idle period.

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