Weird Bug in Citadels

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1. The_Frisbee_of_Peace,

i'm not really sure if the developer has been made aware of this bug before, if yes sorry for double posting. But here it goes. I had just finished a game of Citadels with three computer opponents and was about to save my table as I often do. When I pressed CTRL+S, however, I got the following message: "You can't save the table in the middle of a turn. Wait for the beginning of the next turn or the character choice.". When I pressed T to see what the game might report, I got absolutely nothing. I'm not really sure why this occured, especially seeing as it has never happened before despite the fact I've gone through this process several times. It might not even be important, but I guess it's worth resolving at some point in the future. Thanks.

Score: +0

2. Marina,

Can you please precise when have you tried to save exactly?
It is actually not a bug, it was intentionally made like that to avoid another bug whereas when you save the table in the middle of a turn it starts malfunctionning.
I have tested to play with 2 bots and save after the game is done and I was able to. I also was able to save at the beginning of a turn or in the character choice.

Score: +0

3. The_Frisbee_of_Peace,

I actually tried to save multiple times, but only after the game was over. If I remember correctly, I first attempted to save a few seconds after I was done. Like I said, though, this has never happened at any other Citadels table I have created in the past. Nevertheless, I can see why this would serve as a solution to a much more severe bug.

Score: +0

4. Marina,

you can find the explanation here:

As requested by a few people, you are now no longer allowed to save a table in the middle of a turn. You must wait for the character selection or the beginning of the next turn to save (when you can choose between a card or two coins). This limitation is there because some people saved tables abusively to skip turns.

So that was the reason. About your specific case I am not sure if some random bug happened, but it would be helpful if you still have the history. Thanks

Score: +0

5. Qais,

I've incountered the same issue. Follow this log to see.

You have built 8 quarters for 27 points.
Strow duck has built 7 quarters for 23 points.
Daddy duck has built 7 quarters for 22 points.
Baby player has built 5 quarters for 19 points.
Stupid bot has built 6 quarters for 15 points.
Orange duck has built 3 quarters for 14 points.
Yellow duck has built 5 quarters for 11 points.
Donald duck has built 5 quarters for 10 points.
You are the winner of the game!
The table is now open for new players.
gjoko has just created a new table of Citadels [Beta].
You can't save the table in the middle of a turn. Wait for the beginning of the next turn or the character choice.
You can't save the table in the middle of a turn. Wait for the beginning of the next turn or the character choice.
You can't save the table in the middle of a turn. Wait for the beginning of the next turn or the character choice.
How many quarters do you want to play this game in?
Do you want to play with open discard?
The game is starting.
A concealed character has been discarded.
Orange duck chooses a character.
Warning! your saved tables quota is almost exceeded (29 out of 31).

Delete some tables by pressing the Del key in the restore table menu.
The table has been saved !

Score: +0

Last edited by Qais, Mar 12 2020 22:51:32

6. Aminiel,


Thank you for signaling. That's indeed a bug, but very minor. Saving the table when no game is in progress doesn't make much sense.

Score: +0

7. The_Frisbee_of_Peace,

That's what I thought too. Marina's explanation sounded equally logical but I still wasn't sure why this would happen at the end of a game. Either way, like you said, this is not a major problem but it's still worth looking at. Thanks both for your swift responses.

Score: +0

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