bug in the web client when sending privat messages

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1. bashar_alkenany,


when i send a privat message i got this: alice wish to receive privat message from their friends

even of alice set privacy settings to anyone except blocked people

when i add this playr to my friends list i can chat privatly

can you fix it?

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Last edited by bashar_alkenany, Aug 21 2014 12:38:05

2. Aminiel,

This is a spam prevention feature. ON the web client, you can effectively send PM only to your friends, regardless of privacy settings. ON windows client, you don't have this limitation.

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3. bashar_alkenany,

why did you add this feature?

i don't think there people spamming privat messages using web client

Score: +0

4. LynnR,

Hi. I've just tried to send a private message to a friend while using the web client, and the following happened. I went into my friends list, found the person's name, pressed "send private message", and got this:
ERROR: Can't find variable: formFieldSetCaret
Not quite sure what's going on there, but it sounds like there's a line missing in the programme somewhere.

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