Bugs on 1000 Miles

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1. Tyros3 ,


I just found two more bugs on 1000 miles game. When u play out the gas on them. They play SteeringAce for that. That isn't right. The same thing as the con-sense card. They play priority for the cons-sense card. That isn't right either.

Score: +0

2. Aminiel,

This bug is already known. Thank you anyway.

Score: +0

3. greenstone,

Hi, when a player replaced with another on 1000 miles, the damage cards can be played against our own team when the opposite team uses the private protection cards. For example, the opponent team uses steering ace card, i have the accident card, and i am the newly replaced player, when i press enter on accident card, team selection appears and i can play accident card against my team.This doesn't happen when the special cards aren't played.

Score: +0

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