abdul rahman and him 10 accounts

7 messages, 1 pages:  1 ↖ Go back to topic list

Score: +0

1. gaurasuryavanshi,

hello. now I write again for this, but already it is really annoying. everybody here know that, abdulrahman has 10 accounts. and they are abdulrahman, alex, baii, bajo bobo. bibo. basharalkenani, sofio, marino. memo94. I will send you a history. here's the history
Welcome to the playroom, version 150 players are connected at the moment.
Information: in game table press F2 for open a list of avelable fonctions.
You have joined the table.
16 people are sitting at the table: Abdulrahman, Alex, Bajy, Bajo, Bobo, Bibo, Bashar_alkenany, Sofio, Marino, Memo94, Chado, Alirezamarzban, Midostar123, Mistork, Ricolachen and Sweet_selena.
The table master is Abdulrahman.
Abdulrahman says: hi
Ricolachen says: dumbasses
Ricolachen chortles.
Ricolachen has left the table.
Alirezamarzban says: hei sueet
Sweet_selena says: what/
Abdulrahman says: BRB
Alirezamarzban says: get me in the skype?
15 people are sitting at the table: Abdulrahman, Alex, Bajy, Bajo, Bobo, Bibo, Bashar_alkenany, Sofio, Marino, Memo94, Chado, Alirezamarzban, Midostar123, Mistork and Sweet_selena.
The table master is Abdulrahman.
Mistork says: Go fuck your king Abdul. Are you normal? Stop insulting her. You Ali Reza and Abdul aren't normal. Go fuck this and stop insult her.
Abdulrahman says: hmm
Alirezamarzban says: i fac mistalk
Alex says: they has right to insult her
Sweet_selena says: well well
Alex says: they has right to insult her
Alex says: they has right to insult her
Sweet_selena says: who?
Alirezamarzban says: hei sueet?
Mistork says: Shut up dogs!
Alex says: barbi1
Sweet_selena says: who is he/she?
Alex says: she's idiot czech
Mistork says: She is my best friend.
Alirezamarzban says: you get me in the skype?
Abdulrahman says: a 21 years idiot czech
Sweet_selena says: waitt
Sweet_selena says: don't offend the people, which you don't know
Abdulrahman says: i know barbi1
Sweet_selena says: what she is doing to you
Alirezamarzban says: i fac you and your frend
Sweet_selena says: I want to be friend with her
Abdulrahman says: she insult me and alex
Mistork says: Go fuck your king. Go fuck yourself. Alireza is normal 16 years old iranian idiot. Stop insulting here.
Sweet_selena says: super
Abdulrahman says: i dont have king
Abdulrahman says: hahahah
Alirezamarzban says: i fac chek
Mistork says: Your english is something.
Sweet_selena says: mistorg I wanna be friend with barbi1
Alex says: don't insult the czech
Mistork says: You're good. But there people aren't.
Alirezamarzban says: i fak barbee
Alex says: republic
Sweet_selena says: stop or you will be report?
Alex says: he has right to insult berbi1
Sweet_selena says: wait. mistorg, leave them, who is she?
Mistork says: Where you're from Sweet Selena?
Alex says: she's really bad
Sweet_selena says: bulgaria
Mistork says: A s Bugarske. Ja razumem nešto srpski.
Sweet_selena says: when she told me something bad, then I will know do she is bad or not]
Alex says: but she is
Alirezamarzban says: i fac mistalk
Sweet_selena says: no
Mistork says: Ona nije loša, no ti ljudi tu jesu loši.
Sweet_selena says: stop
Alirezamarzban says: yes
Alex says: she insulted me and abdul
Sweet_selena says: stop?
Coffeetable has joined the table.
Sweet_selena says: stop offending people without reasons?
Alex says: she insulted me and abdul
Sweet_selena says: and what?
Abdulrahman says: hi
Alirezamarzban says: alex do you agree with me?
Alex says: yes
Sweet_selena says: maybe she offended you for a reason?
Alex says: no reason
Sweet_selena says: hi
Coffeetable says: heya
Alex says: she thinks i have more then account
Sweet_selena says: cannot be sure
Alirezamarzban says: let's go fac mistalk
Sweet_selena says: she is right
Alex says: she isn't
Coffeetable says: the topic is?
Mistork says: Dobro, dobro. Selena! Hvala ti. Blagodarija. Mercy.
Sweet_selena says: her think is r right you have 10 accounts
Alex says: nope
Sweet_selena says: za nisto hahaha
Alirezamarzban says: fac mimi and mistalk
Abdulrahman says: the topic is mimi is betch
Coffeetable says: who do u mean b
Coffeetable says: mean by
Abdulrahman says: do you know mimi18?
Mistork says: Oni nisu tu normalni. Stalno govore loše o Barbie, o mene, ali to dobro a o svih tu. On je ima više analoga, to ja znam.
Sweet_selena says: stop. I am tired to told you it? stop? stop offending, and stop lie you have only 1 account?
Alirezamarzban says: no the tapic about fac mimi and mistalk and barbee
Coffeetable says: no
16 people are sitting at the table.
Alirezamarzban says: yes
Mistork wish to receive only private messages from their friends.
Coffeetable says: well i do not know her or him
Sweet_selena says: mistorg mani gi tia
Alirezamarzban says: i fac all
Abdulrahman says: aha. she's bulgarian and everyone insulted her
Sweet_selena says: I know only that I will get crazy?
Coffeetable says: so what is the matter of her
Stay-strong has just entered in the playroom.
Abdulrahman says: this topic is to let her angry
Mistork says: To je tu stalno. It's still here with these people.
Sweet_selena won't say nothing
Sweet_selena says: ddd
Stanito2000 has just entered in the playroom.
Coffeetable has no idea
Alirezamarzban says: hei sueet you not frend with me?
Mistork says: Where you're from?
Sweet_selena says: Ia mfriend
Stay-strong has left the playroom.
Stay-strong has left the playroom.
Sweet_selena says: Iam friend with everybody who want lol
Mistork says: Znam, da ti si prijatelj. Blagodaria.
Sweet_selena says: za nisto
The demand has been sent to Mistork.
Abdulrahman says: BRB
Sweet_selena says: i ti si piratel
Sweet_selena says: priatel
Alirezamarzban says: what sueet yes or no?
Sweet_selena says: oh
Sweet_selena says: what do you want?
Coffeetable says: well, fucked off
Alirezamarzban says: yes or no hei sueet?
Sweet_selena says: I t told already I am friend with w everybody without abdulrahman
Mistork says: Who have these table? Who is tablemaster?
Coffeetable says: enjoy ur silly stuff
Coffeetable has left the table.
The-sith has joined the table.
Sweet_selena says: hi
You are now friend with Mistork !
The-sith says: hello
Alirezamarzban says: hei sueet not answer me??
Mistork says: Hi
Sweet_selena says: stooooooooooo ooo ooo ooo oop
Bojana has just entered in the playroom.
Alirezamarzban says: i fac all
Sweet_selena says: if you don't stop//....... ...
Alirezamarzban has left the table.
Mistork says: Konačno.
Pistachio has joined the table.
144 people are connected.
Bojana has joined the table.
Midostar123 has left the table.
Mistork says: Zdravo.
Sweet_selena says: zdravooo
Pistachio has left the table.
Sweet_selena says: bojaanaaa
15 people are sitting at the table.
Bojana says: ooo selenaaa
Mistork says: Možem jedno pitanje Selena? Koliko ti imaš godina?
Midostar123 has joined the table.
Sweet_selena says: 13
Sweet_selena says: imam 13
Mistork says: Ja 28
Said.bourane has joined the table.
Bojana says: kako si,selena
Sweet_selena says: super
Sweet_selena says: drago mi e
Sweet_selena says: dobro sam a ti
Said.bourane has left the table.
Midostar123 has left the table.
Bojana says: odlično. A odakle si
Stay-strong has just entered in the playroom.
Alirezamarzban has joined the table.
Sweet_selena says: jaja bulgaria, znam te ya sam petra
Mistork says: Moj Bože Ali Reza!
Sweet_selena says: a ti si bojana
Bojana says: čekaj...jel bješe tancheto tvoj prošli nalog
Bojana says: jesam
Sweet_selena says: daaa
Bojana says: aaaaa,sjećam seeeeee
Sweet_selena says: haha
Alirezamarzban says: i fac sueet
Sweet_selena says: get out
Mistork says: My god. My god. Stop this!
Bojana says: jel ti lijepo pjevaš
Abdulrahman says: hi
Bojana says: slušala sam nešto na free table
Abdulrahman says: i'm back
Sweet_selena says: I don't want people who offends each other
Alirezamarzban says: fac you
Alex says: guys: stop this. lets enjoy with this topic
Sweet_selena says: let's stop
Sweet_selena says: or you will be report
Alirezamarzban has left the table.
Mistork says: Stop! Dobro Selena!
Alex says: nice
Sweet_selena says: blagodaria
Alex says: he's left
Mistork says: It's good.
Bojana says: selena, jel ti voliš da pjevaš
Sweet_selena says: :)
Bojana says: nešto sam slušala na free table
Abdulrahman says: english please
Sweet_selena says: can you tell me it in englisgg
Alirezamarzban is inviting you to a table of Free table. Press Ctrl+J to join.
Stay-strong has left the playroom.
Stay-strong has left the playroom.
Abdulrahman says: i think i'll create a second account called bojano
Bojana says: aaa, I was listening you on free table, you was singing something
Sweet_selena says: yes
Bojana says: you were singing
Sweet_selena says: do you like it lol
Mistork says: Šta mislite. Je-li to jedan čovek, taj Alex ili Abdulrahman? Bi sam to chtio, da znam.
Sweet_selena says: it's was my favorite bulgarian singer
Bojana says: yeah. You have a nice voice
Alex says: english please
Sweet_selena says: thanks
Bojana says: shut uš
Sweet_selena says: I will record my new song soon
Bojana says: shut up
Mistork says: Which music do you like?
Sweet_selena says: dans
Mistork says: Aha. I like your bulgarian chalga, like Toni Storaro and so and serbian turbofolk.
Bojana says: mistork odakle si ti
Mistork says: Z Češke.
Sweet_selena says: lol
Sweet_selena says: yes, my favorite bulgarian singer sings chalga and her name is andre
Sweet_selena says: andrea
Bojana says: and do you go to music school
Sweet_selena says: maybe
Mistork says: Aaaa Andrea nezmam, ali znam Sofia Marinova, Azis i tak.
Alex says: where's the-sith
Bojana says: don't know,find him
Sweet_selena says: aha
Sweet_selena says: hahahaa
Bojana says: you go to m.s
Sweet_selena says: brabo bojanaa
Sweet_selena says: bravo
Sweet_selena says: find him : :dddddd
Alex says: i'll find him in england
Bojana says: hahahaha,za šta
Changchoung has joined the table.
Sweet_selena says: hello
Alex says: hi
Mistork says: S kojeg grada si Petra?
Changchoung says: hi
Mistork says: Hi
Sweet_selena says: sofia
Mistork says: Aaa, glavni grad Bulgarske.
Sweet_selena says: da
Chado sagt: abdul: change the topic idiot
Mistork says: Znam. Ja sam imao s Bugarske dedu.
Sweet_selena says: oh
Abdulrahman says: no change
Abdulrahman says: shut up
Sweet_selena says: bravo
Bojana says: terrible topic
Changchoung says: учиш или да работи?
Mistork says: Ali živeo je tu u Češkoj od 1949 a umro je tu.
Chado sagt: yeah
Sweet_selena says: I am studyng :d
Changchoung says: nice
Sweet_selena says: studying]
Shewolf has just entered in the playroom.
Sweet_selena says: and this translator is stupid
Chado sagt: i know mimi very well
Changchoung says: what is your major?
Bojana says: abdul how you can fuck her, that is impossible lol
Sweet_selena says: well well,
Sweet_selena says: I don't care of mimi
Sweet_selena says: let's leave her
Abdulrahman says: why impssible
Abdulrahman says: impossible
Bojana says: because she is in bulgaria, and you are in...
Changchoung says: why? does it bad translateing?
Mistork says: Abdul i Alex, jedan čovek, ali totalno glupi. Ostavite sve ljude tu.
Sweet_selena says: yes
Sweet_selena says: it's bad
Changchoung says: oh
Abdulrahman says: hmm
Bojana says: mistork
Changchoung says: what do you studying?
Chado sagt: bad table topic
Carcajou has joined the table.
Mistork says: Molim Bojana?
Chado sagt: hello
Mistork says: Helo
Sweet_selena says: lo;
Carcajou has left the table.
Changchoung says: lol
Bojana says: pokušaj da nagovoriš ovoga da ti da sto, pa da ga izbaciš
Mistork says: To neide. Ja nisam table master. Kada bi sam bio taj table master, izbacio bi sam svih tu i menjao bi sam temu.
Abdulrahman says: ..
16 people are sitting at the table: Abdulrahman, Alex, Bajy, Bajo, Bobo, Bibo, Bashar_alkenany, Sofio, Marino, Memo94, Chado, Mistork, Sweet_selena, The-sith, Bojana and Changchoung.
The table master is Abdulrahman.
Sweet_selena says: bye people
Bojana says: znam, al pokušaj ga nagovoriti
Changchoung says: mistor'r'r'r'r'rk
Sweet_selena says: actually I will stay on here a little more
Abdulrahman says: TC
Mistork says: Give me table master please Abdulrahman.
Shewolf has left the playroom.
Sweet_selena says: yes
Abdulrahman says: no
Abdulrahman says: ali doesn't want
Abdulrahman says: ali gives me the master for free
Mistork says: Please give me this. I won't kick you.
Sweet_selena says: give it to me lolol I w won't band or kick
Abdulrahman says: no
Sweet_selena says: who is ally
Mistork says: Treba lagati, ali ja ga izbacim.
Bojana says: so, go out alone abdul
Sweet_selena says: dddd
Sweet_selena says: yes
Abdulrahman says: i want to enjoy with this topic
Sweet_selena says: everybody know for you and your ten accounts
Bojana says: yeah
Abdulrahman says: i have only 1
Bojana says: don't lie
Sweet_selena says: liar
Mistork says: Give me please this table master.
Sweet_selena says: yes
Sweet_selena pleases lol
Changchoung has left the table.
Abdulrahman says: i'm not
Abdulrahman says: i have only 1
Sweet_selena is tired to talk about this again
Nenadxx has joined the table.
Mistork says: I want to be the table master.
Abdulrahman says: no
Sweet_selena says: what?
Abdulrahman says: hi
Mistork says: Hi
Nenadxx says: hiiiiiiii

Score: +0

Last edited by gaurasuryavanshi, Sep 11 2014 16:39:02

2. Raki,

I don't want to jump into this issue again; we all had a big discussion about this in a previous topic and it got pretty bad.
The admen’s wont believe us, they don’t know what to do/who to believe.
Just 1 thing though, add "chado" to the list of his accounts.

Also, I think you should email histories and things like these next time, rather than paste it in a public place.

Score: +0

3. gaurasuryavanshi,

well, but will they believes in the history, I pressed the combination key w, and there are how many people was in this table, and I think, in the history, abdulrahman says these accounts aren't him's...

Score: +0

4. dalglish7 ,

If you look at the transcript you can clearly see that foul and abusive language has been used and it is clear that one of the people using the free table is under 18. Clearly some action needs to be taken.

If you want my help as a temporary modarator Aminal then you can find me in the playroom. I would suggest removing subject headings for fre tables as they are nothing but trouble. The rules were not updated covering what is and what is not aloud for messages for free tables. there have been many subjects set witch contain Foul, Abusive and in some cases deflamatory language against other users of the playroom.

here is one example:

Sweet_selena has joined Abdulrahman, Alex, Bajy and 12 other people at a table of Free table [i'll ******* mimi18 she's *****!].

Removing subject headings for free tables would cut that problem out as it is clear a minority of users fall way short of what is acceptable behaviour here!

Score: +0

5. Lemonade,

I believe it was requested that these people shouldn't be called out by name on a public forum. And while I don't really agree with that decision myself I think it might probably be better to just abandon this discussion given the circumstances.
As for removing topics from free tables... I agree. It's a nice feature to have but so far it has seemingly done a lot more harm than good.

Score: +0

6. abdulrahman,


selena2000 and imthecampraki are liars

if you looked at selena2000's IP Adress: you will find that she has more than 1 account

i knew only 4 accounts of her, but maybe more she can has

sweet-selena2000, sweet-selina, selina2000 and petra85

maybe she has more, but i don't remember

about alex bajy, bajo, bobo and bibo are my friends

there are also people selina2000's mention them, but they aren't my friends and they are new for me

Score: +0

Last edited by abdulrahman, Sep 13 2014 11:35:43

7. Aminiel,

I'm thired

Score: +0

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