Pause bugs and playroom hanging

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1. Jeff-Rutkowski,

I really enjoy the pause feature in your games but this feature doesn't seem to be available in the Little Exam.
Trying to pause a game of Uno between rounds worked but I had to press shift+p again to resume the game instead of just being able to press enter.
The last thing I wanted to bring to your attention is the fact that when I have the option set to give me a confirmation before exiting the playroom and I activate the "leave the playroom" option, the program just hangs until I kill the process manually either through the task manager or the "end program" dialog that eventually pops up.
The program does not hang if I don't have the confirmation set to display.
I hope you can get around to fixing these concerns soon.

Score: +0

2. Aminiel,

For your first question: the shortcut has changed, it's now effectively Shift+P both for pausing and resuming. I'm also aware for the little exam, it will be fixed soon.

For the other bug, I'm afraid that more info is needed.

Score: +0

3. dalglish7 ,

The reason for the confusion is when you press shift p to pause a game it will tell you to press enter to resume the game instead of shift p to resume the game and that is the error.

Score: +0

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