
3 messages, 1 pages:  1 ↖ Go back to topic list

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1. student42,

Hello new user here so I am a bit confused. I have a mac and do not want to download the client and I know that this site has a server but I cannot find it. If someone could please inform me on why I was having trouble locating it that would be great. Thanks in advance and I hope I get to enjoy this place like all of you do.

Score: +0

2. Aminiel,


You can't play without using the client. The client is the only way to connect to the game server.

And I'm sorry but you can't use the client on mac currently. You will have to have windows for that, you can for example use VMWare fusion to virtualize it.

Score: +0

3. student42,

i am sorry i must have heard wrong before. thank you.

Score: +0

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