Major Cribbage Scoring Bugs

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1. Hayden,

I've been playing cribbage for a day now ,and have come across some extremely egregious bugs:
• Start card: The start card is, by the official rules, to be displayed * after* the discard
• Muggings—if a player scores less than their hand is worth, they don't get the whole worth of their hand; they get the points they scored, and their opponents get the rest. It is incorrect to give them the entirety of their score and then to add the difference on top of that to the opponent's score.
• Runs of Four: I don’t' know what this is, but the playroom does a horrible job scoring hands like this. Just this morning I had a hand consisting of 8, 9, 10, jack and the start card was a jack. That's two runs of four and a pair is ten, but it scored me as having seven, which is totally incorrect. The problem is that because the playroom does not tell how which combinations it's scoring, I have no idea what the issue is here.
• Flushes: Flushes containing four cards must be scored only from your hand. You cannot use three cards of a suit and the start card to make a four-card flush. The start card can only be brought in to expand it to a flush of five.
Please note that what I am saying is not a variation I like, but rather the official rules of the game.

Score: +0

2. Aminiel,


Thank you for your signalments.

- Start card: The start card is, by the official rules, to be displayed after the discard

Yes, this has been also said in the french part; I didn't really noticed it while reading my reference rules on because it isn't explicitely stated. It will be fixed soon.

Muggings—if a player scores less than their hand is worth, they don't get the whole worth of their hand; they get the points they scored, and their opponents
get the rest. It is incorrect to give them the entirety of their score and then to add the difference on top of that to the opponent's score.

At first, I though that it was too severe to count as you say. However, everybody seems to do it this way, so I will change it as well. Many people asked me this same question, so I assume they are correct.

Runs of Four: I don’t' know what this is, but the playroom does a horrible job scoring hands like this. Just this morning I had a hand consisting of
8, 9, 10, jack and the start card was a jack. That's two runs of four and a pair is ten, but it scored me as having seven, which is totally incorrect. The problem is that because the playroom does not tell how which combinations it's scoring, I have no idea what the issue is here.

Several occurences of this bug have already been reported on the french part. It seems that when a double run of 4 cards is present, 3 points disappear for no reason. I'll tell more about when I will have found the cause.

Flushes: Flushes containing four cards must be scored only from your hand. You cannot use three cards of a suit and the start card to make a four-card
flush. The start card can only be brought in to expand it to a flush of five.

Yes, it has never been intended as such, this is also definitely a bug. It has also been already reported on the french part a couple hours ago.

Please note that what I am saying is not a variation I like, but rather the official rules of the game.

No problem. You are always welcome to report bugs and give your opinion.

Score: +0

3. masackru,

The game should let you count your points... before declaring you a looser!

Today happened to me that: the dealer had 120 points, and I had 119. When the dealer got 121 (after the count)I was declared looser even if I wasn't given the chance to count my points and I am sure I had more than he had!

Score: +0

4. Aminiel,

Most of the bugs signaled in the first message are now fixed.

Today happened to me that: the dealer had 120 points, and I had 119. When the dealer got 121 (after the count)I was declared looser even if I wasn't given
the chance to count my points and I am sure I had more than he had!

This is so intended. Cribbage rules says that the game should stop as soon as someone reaches the limit. This is so because in real life, one play cribbage with a board with wholes to count your score, and you have directly won when you go out.

Score: +0

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