Possible bug with latest participations.

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1. Naday,


When leaving a discussion, I've realized that you don't just leave the discussion, but you actually lose all of the messages that it contains.
When checking the inbox, either from the web or the Windows client, you can see the topic disappeared from there. However, it is still in the latest participations, which can be a bit annoying, especially if you have many of those unnecesary topics, since the number of topics you can view using the Windows client is limited, and all of the private discussions you left are still shown there, and can turn to be spammy, if you are seeking for a certain topic.
So, I think, that, since we can't interact with that discussion anymore, it should be even removed from the latest participations, but, who knows? Maybe it was meant to be the way it is at the moment.

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2. spaceship,

I agree. Even if it is meant to be the way it is, we should have the option of just deleting it altogether.

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3. Aminiel,


Private discussions aren't supposed to appear in latest participations, whether or not you are still present in them.

Unfortunately, without other evidence, it's going to be hard to fix something. Would it be possible for you to give some topic IDs ? I'm afraid that's the only way to make progress.

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4. Nikola,

in my experience, private permanent discussions have always appeared in latest participations, not only in some cases.
For example, I created a test discussion right now, and it definitely appears, both on the web and on the Windows client.
By topic ID, I assume you meant the one present in the topic URL?
If so, it's topic73865
However, giving the full URL just in case:

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5. Naday,

In fact, they have always appeared in latest participations. Test it yourself by writing a permanent message to someone, then checking your latest participations.

I doubt it is of any help giving you the ID of a topic, but here is this one discussion I left a few weeks ago and it shows in my latest participations. However, even the ones I didn't leave are shown there:

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6. Aminiel,


It should be better now. Private messages should definitely no longer appear in latest participations.

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7. Naday,

Thanks a lot! :)

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