issue regarding discard pile not reshuffeling when empty

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Score: +0

1. The_kitty_woman,

I noticed in 1000 miles, the discard pile does not reshuffel after it runs out. Normaly, it reshuffels otomaticly.

Score: +0

2. Nikola,

in 1000 Miles, this is an optional rule.
Normally, in the standard game, this does not happen. When the deck is empty you play all the remaining cards and finish the round.
However, when starting the game, if you are the table master you can enable this rule.
When you are on another table, pressing R will always tell you all the optional rules enabled.
If the table master configured it in advance before starting the game (done with alt plus O), you can find this out even before joining a game by pressing the applications key while you are focused on a table.
This works in other games too, and if a game is already started then it will report the scores.

Score: +1

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